September 5th

9 2 0

Dear (Y/N),

I'm very tired, and writing this late at night. I began to write another letter at school, but I fear they have taken and thrown it away. They are planning to cut off all ties with this incident, unfortunately, meaning no more updates. But I assume this is due to the considerable condition you are in right now. I hope to play tag with you soon, (Y/N), I really do. It is just not the same without you here. I am scared that the students may be trying their hardest to forget your existence for the good of their sanity, for a school with kids overwhelmed with anxiety can become quite chaotic. I just wish what happened to you would reverse itself, it is quite depressing here. The halls look bland, and the sun doesn't quite seem to have it's usually bright colour and it's era of freedom anymore. I really do wish you were here.


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