September 1st

33 3 0

Dear (Y/N)

Today the story of the week grew to be quite fascinating as the detail unraveled into marvelous storyline and the characters were simply exquisite. A pounding in my head disrupted it slightly however, which was not to be found quite enjoyable to say the least. The teacher found my groaning and holding my head to be quite disruptive and sent me to the hall to finish my readings, and that has provided the time for me to write you this letter. I hope everything is fine, and you find yourself in good health soon. Anyways, I am sure that the teacher is preparing for me to come back in soon, many good wishes are sent your way. The hospital bed must be comfortable, for you don't seem to mind it much at all. Well, I am to write to you the next day, and like I said, see that you are well soon.


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