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seokjin | hoseok

hyung why're you
making me do this?

hoseok people need
to know that you're
back on the market.
(even if I don't have
a chance)

couldn't you have at
least warned me?

honey we both know
you'd protest till you
got your way, I wasn't
about to take that chance

...I guess I'll go then.

we both know you
wouldn't have had a
choice, I'll head over to
your place right now
to help plan your outfits
because lord knows you
need help with style
(you don't even have to
try to look cute though)

alright, see you soon

- call ended -

lmao I forgot how fun it was, a big stress reliever

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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