"Money," Aidan said, "We need it to get him out of Belfast."

"You know I can't just hand over money, I've got the ADA breathing down my neck as it is, thanks to the McKay name." She stated.

"Yeah, I know, mother and I planned all that out...you could send it to Aunt Katie where Conner would be staying when he gets there, and she'll send it to mother to get him there." He told Dylan.

"How much are we talking"? She asked rubbing her temple.

"We figured twenty five hundred should cover expenses and a little left over for him once he gets there." Aidan said.

With a low whistle, Dylan leaned back in the chair, "That's a lot of money."

"Is it"? He asked, "You look like you're doing pretty well."

"How do I know you're on the up and up"? Dylan asked defensively.

"Because I've never asked you for anything before and I've never used our little brother to get something I want." He remarked.

"I need to think about Aidan..." Dylan said knowing he was telling the truth.

"What's to think about, do you want Conner in the IRA"?

"Of course not...Just let me think about it, I'll call you tomorrow with an answer."

"We're flying out tomorrow evening, so call me around three; I should be able to get away." He told her sounding a little irritated.

"Alright, I'll have my answer by then." She said before hanging up the phone.

Feeling like her head was about to explode, Dylan went downstairs to look things over and found Lisa in the kitchen cooler inspecting the dates on the perishables.

"Hey Dylan." She said when she saw her.

"Hey Lis, how's it looking"? Dylan asked curiously, her mind not really on business but knowing she needed to at least pretend to be interested.

"We're good here, but I will be ordering some liquor later this afternoon."

Nodding her head, they talked for a while longer mainly about the restaurant and then Dylan headed upstairs. Even though her mind was jammed with thoughts of her little brother, she tried desperately to figure out a way how to move money without having it come back to haunt her. If Max noticed a big chunk of change missing, he would automatically assume it had gone to her family and not in a good way.

Around three Dylan headed back down to the office to talk to Mark about her dilemma. Mark was her closest friend and knew he could break it down for her in the smartest way possible.

"You're playing with fire here Dylan, I know you want to help him but this could really blow up in your face." He told her honestly.

"I know," Dylan admitted, "But if I don't get him out of there, my father will have him so wrapped up in the IRA that he'll never get out."

Mark looked at Dylan sympathetically, "Then there has to be a way." He told her.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, every penny I have is tied to this restaurant somehow."

Scratching his head, Mark sighed, "We'll figure something out Dyl."

"Yeah, well they leave tomorrow night so I'm supposed to call him with an answer before that." Dylan shrugged.

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