With a half-smile, Dylan put her wine glass down as well and slid her arms around Devon's slim waist, "Sorry enough to give you a free dinner at my restaurant."

Wrinkling her nose, "I don't want dinner." She replied biting on her lower lip sexily.

"Mm..." Dylan sighed knowingly, "What is it that you want then"?

Moving her hands to the front of Dylan's shirt, she began to unbutton it slowly, "You naked between my legs." She stated smoothly.

Feeling the blood drain from her face, Dylan exhaled loudly, "Well, you certainly have a way with words."

"I want your mouth all over me, and..." she whispered, "Your fingers inside of me."

Looking up at the ceiling, Dylan closed her eyes, "Holy shit Devon, do you know what you're doing to me"?

Pushing Dylan's shirt off her shoulders, she smiled and kissed her neck, "And after that, I want to taste your excitement."

Shuddering in anticipation, a low growl escaped Dylan's lips and in one sudden motion, she scooped Devon up and carried her to the bedroom, where she frantically undressed her and proceeded to make love to her. Devon's words had excited her to beyond belief and Dylan put all her past praises and experiences together as her lips, tongue, teeth, and finger's brought her to multiple orgasms in a matter of about twenty minutes, and then as promised...Devon delivered on hers as well.

"So, was that considered our first tiff"? Devon asked rolling over onto her belly as she crossed her arms and laid her head on Dylan's stomach.

Running her hand through Devon's long hair, Dylan said, "I wouldn't exactly call it a tiff, I mean we really didn't argue."

"Yeah, I suppose your right..." She sighed, "But if we had, that would have been magnificent make-up sex."

Smiling, Dylan reached down to pull Devon up to her lips, "Yes, it was..." Dylan stated kissing her, not so gently, "You brought out a bit of animal in me with all that talk."

Raising her eyebrows, Devon traced Dylan's lips with a well-manicured finger, "Yes, I did."

"Are you trying to do it again?" Dylan asked taking her finger in her mouth to suck on it gently just as her cell phone rang, "Damn it," she muttered pulling Devon's finger out of her mouth and then reached down to grab her pants and extract her cell.

"What rotten timing." Devon frowned cutely.

With a smile, Dylan answered, "Hey Mark, what's up"?

Devon was so glad she had swallowed her fear and come to see Dylan, she had debated on whether or not she should just let Dylan have some space, but her own want had won over and after work she had sped over like a woman with a mission. Dylan had made love to her with a fevered passion in which she readily met. She loved the way Dylan touched her; in fact, she loved the way Dylan did everything to her.

"Alright, tell them I'll be down in a few minutes." Dylan stated disappointedly, and then hit the end button.

Laying back, Dylan rubbed her eyes with a sigh before looking up into Devon's green eyes, "Sorry baby, but I've gotta go take care of some business downstairs, apparently I have some unhappy customers." She said regrettably.

"That's okay; I understand...I'll just go home so you can go back to work." Devon said disappointedly, but understandingly as she reached up and stroked Dylan's face warmly.

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