Prologue: First Friends; Aoba Seragaki and Allmate Ren

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When it all began, she really had no idea what was to become of her. What was to become to the place she learned to call home. And her friends. Her friends mean the world to her. She shuddered to think what would happen to her if she lost all of them. Back then, she was lost. She lost everything there was about her. She lost her parents, her home, her way...she lost herself. She lived out on the streets, doing everything she could to get by. The streets are dangerous. All over the place, many people have joined gangs, each fighting to claim or widen their territory. Most people would go to a gang and ask to be taken in. Not her. She doesn't have an interest in gangs, but on top of that, what gang in their right mind would want a girl with them?

For awhile, as she grew up, she got into playing VR games. It was the only way she could interact with people. Even though she never got true friends, the fact she was playing against people was more contact than she has had in years. Alone, she did well, but then...she found her Allmate. She named her Saki, a name that holds a combination of 'blossom' and 'hope'. To her, Saki was her Blossom of Hope. Soon after, she discovered Saki had a form she could take in VR games, they became one of the most formidable opponents. She had a giant saber tooth tiger form, with the ability to fly and combine her own techniques with her owner's. She used that to her advantage and eventually became known as Shadow Rider. The 'shadow' part came from Saki, for she is an all black cat with yellow green eyes, and the 'rider' obviously came from her riding Saki in the games.

Saki eventually became more than her Allmate. She became her first friend. And though she was a highly skilled VR player, she wished she saw what was coming.

One day, the two were drug into Rhyme, a popular VR game that they had taken part in a couple of times. However, instead of the usual one-on-one, they were outnumbered by their opponents, as well as their Allmates. There were six all together. Against all of them, her chances were slim, but once in a match, there's only one way out of the game. They battled, but as they got injured in the fight, they realized that the safety protocols were off and each wound they sustained were being inflicted on their real bodies. And the opponents? They were out to kill them.

They had to be careful and they went into a more defensive mode, rather than offensive. A lot of good that did. Their opponents grew bored and quickly got the upper hand on her and Saki. They were defeated in that game and then left for dead in the alley. It did seem like the end and she felt terrible for making Saki live only for being her partner in gaming. Gaming itself isn't even all that fun. She just wanted to be around people. Was that so much to ask?

As she and Saki laid in that alleyway, dying, slowly bleeding out from their injuries, someone noticed them. She'll never forget that blue hair and those kind eyes. And that voice...His voice was so gentle and sincere. It flowed like a river in the spring. It eased her and she even thought, if she died right now, at least she could die, knowing that not all voices were so challenging and harsh. Some were actually calm and kind. But, it wasn't the end. She actually forced herself to stay awake, wanting to hear his voice even more. It was like a drug; she just couldn't get enough of it. Even as she and Saki bled all over him, he carried them to his home, where he and his grandmother cared for them. She will forever be indebted to him.

And how they met their first two real friends; Ren, the bluish-black Japanese Spitz dog, his Allmate, and Aoba Seragaki.

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