Now she was really getting under his skin.

"Masculine he-man idiocy! No idiot in his right mind would mount one of those things." Too late he realized he had used wrong terminology and stepped from the frying pan into the fire.

"Exactly! I'm so glad you understand that you were not in your right mind."

"Now hold on! I made that ride to prove to myself that I could. That's all and I did weeks of research on Demon and his methods to prepare for the ride. I was prepared, I knew what to expect and that I had a better than average chance of beating the clock. It's in my blood, yours too."

She sniffed. "Things have changed since you were cowgirling. People depend on you to be able to do your job in order to help them and keep the law. Michael depends on you! Your family depends on you - oh heck... I, even I depend on you!"

Kyle felt the rush of adrenaline surge through every inch of his body at her final statement. Stepping forward he forced the woman in front of him to look him in the eyes.

"Repeat that."

Charity couldn't believe what she had just admitted to this man. Shaking her head she tried to move away, but found that she was trapped. With the wall to her back and Kyle at her front and he was standing too close.

"I... I... have to go back to the nursing area!" She said and tried to push past him. That plan however, only made things worse.

She felt the hard powerful muscles of his chest under her hands and couldn't stop the need to look up into those beautiful chocolate eyes.

Kyle felt that look all the way to his very core. The need to kiss her was almost overwhelming. However, this was the wife of his oldest friend. He couldn't betray Eli's memory that way, and it had always been painfully obvious that she didn't see him as more than a friend. At least that's what he always believed untill....he had worked hard to remind himself of that....hard.

Charity couldn't take it any longer. If she didn't kiss him soon she would shatter. She had tried so hard to feel nothing more than friendship for the Sheriff. She had always thought she would never feel this way for another man.

Taking a deep breath she took the plunge. Grabbing a fist full of his red plaid shirt she pulled him down for a kiss.

Stunned, Kyle could only stand there with her lips on his. Just as he was about to pull away he heard a familiar voice.

'Kiss her back you idiot!'

'Eli?' He knew that voice. It was definitely Eli. There was no mistaking that Tennessee drawl.

'What are you waiting for?! She can't keep waiting for me, and you sure as hell can't keep fighting it! Take care of her for me, bro! Now, kiss the girl, you're the only one I trust my family with!'

Kyle pulled away and smiled down at the gorgeous woman in his arms. "You know, I think Eli would approve."

She smiled back at him, "I know he would."

With that Kyle lifted her up into his strong arms leaning her into the wall, he kissed her hungrily. Charity held on tight as she returned the kiss.


Rowdy couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as he slipped out the door. As he stepped out he found the entire Blanton family standing there, huge smiles on all their faces.

Drina was leaning toward her husband with a light pink across her cheeks and a smile on her mouth. Beau nodded to his best friend.

"About time." He said.

The four girls all nodded their agreement. Carlyn sat on the floor, Hope's head resting in her lap. Kaylee and Ava sat on either side of their little sister giggling about how Kyle was loosing a fight to a girl.

Alex was leaning against the wall arms crossed over his powerful chest, one booted foot hiked up to rest on the wall. The teen shook his head in complete disgust at the entire situation.

"You'll never see me gettin' twitter painted over a girl like that." He said confidently.

Brick who sat on the other side of the room snorted. 'He has no idea what he's in for.' He thought.'

Brittany stood next to him helping the former Ranger change his bandages. Rowdy couldn't help but note that she purposely kept her body between him and the rest of her family. To the big man's obvious amusement.

'She's protecting him... From us.' He chuckled. She's so much like her OK' man.

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now