N a t u r e

309 9 0

Look behind this world made of cement,

Beyond this made up beauty we technologically invent,

You shall sense there is a sacrifice underwent,

By none other than our natural beauty we call our "environment".

I know that we need some place to reside,

So why not we just equally subdivide?

For each time we steal its space for bricks and cement,

Why not spare some time planting green just so we shall never repent.

For it's our responsibility to protect our mother nature,

So why not try our best to retain this beauty designed by our creator.

Planting as many trees today,

is almost reaching half way,

contributing our little everyday,

Greenery of tomorrow wouldn't be much far away.

Though you already know, what I'm trying to say,

Let me please remind you of something someone once said,

Where there is a will, there is a way!

- NP

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