Chapter Four - The First Step Forward

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It was easy to see that Tsuna would be special when he was older. By the age of three, he had imaginary friends, as one would expect. But by the time he turned four, he asked about Trantique, the demon Iemitsu had stayed contracted with for several years and suddenly, Tsuna's imaginary friends seemed much more ominous.

When asked about them, Tsuna would simply smile brightly, hold a pudgy finger up to his lips and say 'it's a secret!'

It was unheard of for such a young child to be aware enough to see demons. It meant his Aether had developed early, without the help of a Flame, and it made Iemitsu, who kept it a secret from his wife, nervous.

When Tsuna turned five, he was shuttled off to the Academy of Especially Gifted Young Students, both for his heritage as a Sawada, and because he was a particularly smart boy for his age.

Iemitsu had almost hoped he would be ignored, lost in the masses, and never learn to summon so long as he lived.

However, the Sawada parents didn't live long enough to see if their only child had been chosen for training as a Summoner or not.

Reborn was finding it disconcertingly hard to concentrate when the boy kept projecting negative emotions, like he would suddenly lose the ability to feel if he didn't. It was distracting enough that he was embarrassed to clear his throat and ask, voice low, "Could you repeat that?"

The Chairman, who he was walking with, shot him a knowing and amused look, before turning back to the hallway.

"I asked if there was any more trouble from your…ilk. Judging from your distant look, I presume Tsuna doesn't understand exactly how much of his emotions transfer over to you."

Reborn grunted in agreement, adjusting his hat slightly. "He keeps switching between one and then another. Verde visited the other day, I'm not sure if he activated the wards, but he was here for nearly an hour, talking to Tsuna. He also offered to take part in the contract process with him. Colonello is…he's going to be even more difficult. I'm going to do my best to keep the others away from Tsuna. Was there anything else you needed, Timoteo?"

His previous Master hummed in thought, adjusting his grip on his cane. Reborn automatically moved to support him with a touch on his elbow and Timoteo's current contract snarled wordlessly at him.

Reborn shot it a childish expression in return, causing Timoteo to chuckle.

"How long ago did you decide you wanted to be with Tsuna? I know this thing isn't a power trip, Reborn. You received enough Aether from me. My Flame is similar, more refined, is it not?"

Reborn stumbled, hand shooting out to press against the wall to keep him upright. It was clear he hadn't heard the question right. He was about to ask when Tsuna's negative emotions, fluttering at the back of his mind, suddenly settled down into a fiery mess of pain.

Reborn didn't realise he lost control of his instincts until he was halfway down the corridor, Timoteo's worried call falling short just behind him. He had more important matters to tend to. And with that thought, he took one step forward and smoothly moved to the Summoning Room by the time his foot hit the floor.

He barely took note of the scattered mess of slick blood and heavy limbs, ignoring the bodies strewn about the room.

The roar that left him was nothing short of a terrifying noise of white hot fury. To see his Tsuna, shoulder and arm clamped in the jaws of a lowly beast, made his blood boil, made the pacifier around his neck crackle, and he had already ripped the creature off of his Summoner –his– before he even registered that he moved.

As soon as the Dervish was off, his attention was on Tsuna, hands gently curling around him. He put him in the most comfortable position on the floor as he shrugged his jacket off to press it against the wound. Tsuna whimpered in pain at the pressure and the anger ignited anew inside Reborn.

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