chapter 1

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This dose not belong to me it belongs to narutohatake-uchiha

A/N PLEASE READ: I'm back! This story has been swirling around in my head insistently for a while now so I've decided to put it to paper. I, like every other kid who was born in the 90's was a huge fan of power rangers growing up. That's why I was slightly saddened to see there was no real xover with Naruto that just replaces the original 5 with Naruto characters. So here is my attempt, without any limitations with budget or Sentai footage, which hopefully will make for a compelling narrative. Also on a final note, the tone of this story will be just a slightly more mature or serious to the original Mighty Morphin, so obviously your suspension of disbelief will still have to be set to high. Some of the things that will be drastically changed will be the characters, who will be normal teenagers with plenty of faults, not perfect architypes and the attacks by monsters will have more consequences (i.e. less attacks occurring in the abandoned warehouse district). But the latter might just be used as an inconsistent plot tool.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Power Rangers

Chapter 1

Somewhere in Space let's say the Moon:

Two men after leaving their space craft go out onto the surface of the moon to begin their mission of collecting data. After an hour of exploring one of the astronauts notes something unusually shiny in the distance and calls out to his partner.

"Hey, look at that over there! Let's go check it out."

Both astronauts hurry towards the unidentified object. When they finally reach it their surprised at what they discover.

"It looks like a giant space dumpster." One of them says examining the cylindrical, jewel incrusted object.

"Let's open her up." The other one replies

After much effort the two manage to remove the lid. What happens next neither could have expected, flying out of the dumpster come five figures. What frightened the two astronauts even more is that four of the five people didn't even appear to be human. One looked like some sort of goblin. The two in the middle looked like some humanoid bat and a blue dwarf. The final non-human figure was the most imposing, covered in golden armour, standing well over six feet, and looking like some fusion of a man and an ape.

The only human looking one out of the bunch was a woman, but that didn't make her look any less strange, in her long brown dress and with white hair coming out of her head in two cone shapes going in the opposite direction.

She was the first to speak up "Free after 10,000 years!"

The two astronauts making their first smart decision of the day decided to get over their disbelief and get the hell out of there. The woman calling out to them as they ran.

"Don't leave. You'll miss my coming-out party…." She cackled madly before zapping the poor fools with her massive staff.

"….When I finish what I started all those years ago, destroying the planet earth."

This statement was backed up by a chorus of evil laughs from the five villains.


Scene Change: Angel Grove Youth Centre

"#Angel Grove Radio. It's a stupendous Saturday, and a big hello goes out to Ernie and the kids at Angel Grove Youth Centre Gym and Juice Bar. Keep those fruit shakes flowing, Ernie."

"Yah! (Grunting), ugh"

"C'mon Kiba you're going to have to be a bit quicker if you want to make this somewhat of a challenge for me." Said a black haired boy speaking to a brown haired boy who looked more than a little peeved by his remark.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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