Second Choice Syndrome

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Whether you've been a victim once, twice, three times, or never, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. And I'm going to break it down for you.

Basically, it goes like this. You have a group of friends that you'd do anything for, right? I mean ANYTHING. Launch yourself in front of a car for them, idk, but you love them. You love it when you hangout together and you wish you did more but hey, your friend's got other friends and that's nothing to be upset over.

What IS upsetting though is being the SECOND CHOICE. UGH.

For me, I'm like, always a second choice. It doesn't matter which one of my friends it is because it's all of them. They'd rather hang out with someone else than come chill with me. And that makes me feel self conscious and makes me wonder what the heck I did wrong, when it's really nothing at all.

Back to Halloween. I've got nothing planned like I stated previously. I ask my friend "hey, what are you doing on Halloween?" and they reply, "I don't know the group is planning something."

FYI I am not in this group.

I'm low-key mad and my blood is boiling so hot that it burns and I look like I just came out of a pool of lava. BUT IT'S FINE!!! I'll be fine. Heh.

I just hate feeling like a pot of pasta on the back burner for when they want me. I'm there for them 110% ALWAYS, and I get 50%, maybe 65% if I'm lucky. Ugh.


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