The "Bad-Boy"

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I'd be lying if I said that I didn't appreciate one or two bad boy centered ChickLits here and there. Obviously, we fantasize a douchebag clad in leather and rolling up to us on his red harley motorcycle enough that it''s basically everywhere. I wouldn't say that I HATE it, because hate is a harsh and strong word.

I would, however, say that I dislike it. Maybe a lot.

It wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't "The Bad Boy Stole My Lunch" or "The Bad Boy's Wife" everywhere I look. It's like I'm running around a clock and every new hour is a new book on the never ending cliché. I'm also one for a good cliché, but c'mon guys.

Seriously. Scroll through the ChickLit genre or even Romance, and count how many times you see the words Bad Boy. I guarantee you it will be at least double digits.

I'll say it once or twice or how ever many times it takes to get my point across. I'm just not one to read a bajillion Bad Boy stories. I never once have doubted that the authors can write them. Sometimes I do like to read them though, as a little guilty pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less. So, I basically have a love hate relationship with the bad boy.

Somebody write that before I do.


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