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reminder that there isnt really any POV here. i'm not really sure, i think it just switches without anyone noticing throughout the chapter(s).

Alex woke up with John cuddled into his side, his short curly hair tied into a messy bun, and a small smile playing at his lips.

"You smell good." John whispered, inhaling loudly. Alex smiled, running his fingers through his friend's hair.

Friend. That didn't seem right. John was correct. Friend's do not do sexual nor romantic activities as one would with his partner. Friends do not kiss each other, or suck each other's–

John bursted out laughing, hiding his face in the sage-green covers.

"What?" Alex asked, smiling at John's cute outburst.

"Y-your—" John laughed again, unable to finish his sentence.

"John, come on, what is it?" Alex asked, shaking him.

He steadied his breath, and avoided looking at Alex. "Your boxers... they– they have a rip... there."

Alexander's face turned red, feeling around under the covers. Eventually his fingers made contact with his not-so-concealed penis.

John smirked, no longer laughing.

"No." Alex scolded, pointing a finger in his face. "Why were you even looking there? Are you seriously horny at," He glanced at the clock. "Nine in the morning?"

John nodded sheepishly, the covers covering half of his face. He looked up at Alex,

"Cutie." Alex said under his breath, while getting up to change his boxers.

*** *** *** ***

Alex sat on the couch, drinking his coffee and re-reading his papers. He didnt bother combing his hair today, no one was coming over, and no one was coming (authors note: i hope y'all get this). He then remembered his friend, Eliza Schuyler was coming. I guess combing his hair was necessary after all.

John sat dangerously close to Alex, and began blowing on his neck.

"John, stop! What are you doing?" Alex leaned away from him, still feeling the tingling sensation he felt on his skin.

John pouted, leaning on the arm of the couch. "I'm bored."

"You said sexually frusturated incorrectly." Alex corrected John, sipping his coffee.

"We did stuff yesterday, so I am not sexually frusturated."

Alex looked at John, confusion written all over his face. "We did? I thought we only made out, of course with a special edition: moaning."

John moved closer, an inch away from Alexander's head. "And were you not turned on?" He whispered, blowing on Alex's neck.

He shivered, then turned his face toward's John, now nose to nose. "I was, then you passed out." Alex looked at his eyes, then his lips. "Eliza is coming over today."

John's face fell as Alex turned his face away, proceeding to stick his nose in his written papers. "Why are you still with her?"

Alex didnt look up. "We aren't together, John. She is my friend. Besides, I desire no wife."

"I've seen the way she looks at you. She's fallen hopelessly in love with. She's helpless. So is her sister, Angelica." John laughs. "Jesus, you're like a magnet. I've fallen in love with you, Eliza–"

Alex finally looks up from his papers, looking at John with shock. He's fallen in love with him? His "best friend" was in love with him?

"No..." John gasped. "You– you weren't supposed to..." He sat there, avoiding Alexander's gaze.

"I'm going to go." As John was about to stand up, Alex grabbed him roughly by his collar and smashed his lips on his, loosening his grip on his shirt.

John smiled into the kiss, slowly wrapping his hands around Alex's neck, then moving up to his hair, running his fingers through it.

Eliza walked into the living room, neither of the boys noticing her presence.

She stood as still as a statue, her eyes locked on Alexander, the boy she was hopelessly in love with, and John, the boy he apparently was hopelessly in love with, too.

Eliza said nothing, just watched as John's hands wrapped around Alexander, and Alexander holding him close as if he can lose him any second.

She ran out of the house, shutting the door shut, not bothering to keep quiet. She couldn't bear to see Alexander and... him kissing any longer.

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