Chapter 3 Learning Something About Chase

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so I want to see your level of difficulty for all of your abilities, so I know which one you need help with. We'll start with the easy one." Chase told me.

We're starting with that one? I hate that one. I know it's easy for me, but for me easy is boring. I knew exactly which one he was talking about. I started to move my arms around to form a twister of some kind.

After I created the twister, I quickly dispersed it. I knew what was coming next, but I didn't see it ever benefitting me in my entire life.


An hour later, we had gone through all of my abilities. What he didn't know was that I had a hidden one that was only used for protection and defense if dodging didn't work, but in the other person's eyes it could be seen as offense.

"Well, I just have one thing to say. You are advance with manipulation of water, earth, fire, and air not to mention the whole metal manipulation, lightening manipulation, and lava manipulation thing you have there.

"I see some difficulty with your geo-leaping, but with some practice you could have that mastered. Now, your molecularkinesis is the one that needs the real help. Your force field is extremely skilled, but complex.

"Your charmspeak is on point as is your ability to change your appearance which I might add I have never seen before. What I don't understand is that you have both super strength and super speed." I told him.

"Well, when you have air manipulation, then you get a slight side effect as it increases your speed. Since Earth is the element of substance and strength, I gain super strength from using earth manipulation." I explained.

"So after a brief evaluation and analysis-." Chase said as he changed the topic.

"I get it your intelligent. Can you use the small words, so I know what you're talking about?" I interrupted him.

"It's just like Adam all over again except you're a girl." I heard Chase mumble. "I was watching you and seeing what you do to see where you can improve." He told me.

"Actually, I knew what those meant, but I just had to mess with you," I told him.

"Well, tomorrow we'll work on getting that geo-leaping down without glitching on you." Chase exclaimed.

"Wait. Tomorrow. As in Wednesday tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that?" Chase asked me.

"I thought it was every other day plus Saturday." I explained.

"Mr. Davenport said I could schedule the days we train together how I want. It'll be two to three hours nightly, and you get Saturday and Sunday off. It'll be just like a regular school schedule." Chase told me.

"Well, I thought we could work around my schedule." I explained.

"What schedule do you have? You live on an island where nothing happens." he told me.

"I have very important duties to attend to for being a princess of a not so far away realm that makes me have very important duties as the mayor of Storybrooke's daughter." I boasted.

"Leo was right. You are delusional. The next thing you're about to tell me is that you're the Evil Queen's daughter." he told me.

"That is actually accurate." I stated.

"There is no way you can actually be related to a fairy tale character." Chase told me.

"I have never even opened the actual copy of Grimm's Fairy Tale, and I know that the Evil Queen ordered the huntsman to bring back Snow White's Heart, but he didn't and brought the heart of a stag to the Evil Queen who turns out to be my mother." I exclaimed.

"Well, did you know in Grimm's fairy tales, the Evil Queen didn't have a daughter?" Chase asked me crossing his arms.

"I know that, but did you know that the forest the dwarfs are in is called the Enchanted Forest, and that is where all of the fairy tale creatures in harmony." I told him.

"I'm not going to argue, because I know one of us is right." Chase bragged.


I lay down on my dead in my pajamas with Mikey on my pillow next to my head. I did manage to learn one thing about Chase Davenport. I learned that Chase Davenport is a person driven by science, logic, and facts and he won't ever believe me. 

The good news about this one on one study was that in the day, I would have freedom. The bad news about this whole thing is that at night I'll be stuck with Chase Davenport for three hours at most. 

While I was waiting to grow tired, I was wondering about two other things to worry about in my life. I had Peter Pan to worry about and I had Malphas to worry about. I just hope that no one ever found out why. 

After a good five minutes on pondering myself. After that, my mind wandered off to Chase Davenport.Yes, he was going to drive me insane, but everyone must have saw that coming. Yes, he was one of the first bionic humans ever. 

Yes, he was going to be drove insane by Ramona and her forty trillion questions, but that was his punishment. Yes, I had to spend three hours with him five days a week, but it won't be all bad. The one thought I had as I fell asleep was that he and I would never see eye to eye. 

A/N; Hi, everyone. High School starts tomorrow. Yeah! Note the sarcasm. I realize now that i won't be able this story as many times as I want except for once a week. When you all vote and comment, it makes me motivated to write more and more. How do you like how this is going? What do you all want to see next? 

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