Drinks at O'Luney's

Start from the beginning

K: Yeah I know the feeling.

They both smile coyly at each other then they go over to get drinks from the bar. She's much shorter than him so she's standing in front of him while the only real space for Kyle is behind her at the bar. She feels a man standing very close to her and her normal reaction would be to give the guy a typical New York 'back the fuck off' look but when she slightly turns around she sees Kyle behind her protecting her from the other people who are pushing their way to the bar.

Her heart smiles when she realizes he has used his body to create a protective barrier around her. She relishes the feeling of having him so close to her again she has really missed him. She orders her drink then turns around to find his face right by the side of her neck. She whispers into his ears to avoid speaking over the loud music.

L: Can I get you a drink?

K: (loudly) What? I can't hear you.

L: (her lips are practically pressed against his ears) What do you want Kyle?

Kyle feels a tingling sensation all over his body on hearing her breathy words. Her proximity to him starts to get him aroused, it doesn't help that Lydia is looking at him while biting her lower lip either. 

Then out of nowhere a clumsy customer pushes through the crowd pressing Kyle him further into Lydia so she can now feel his semi- hard on. He hears Lydia gasp which he is pleased about but he is also enraged at the person who bumped into him.

K: Watch it man!

Stranger: You said something?

L: (clings onto his shoulder) Kyle please don't start something here.

K: Yeah I told you to watch it. 

The stranger gets in Kyle's face. 'Oh this isn't good' Lydia thinks to herself as she realizes she needs to intervene. Which an apologetic smile she addresses the stranger. 

L: I'm sorry we just had a terrible day at work so he's on edge. Enjoy your drink!

Kyle darts her a look that tells her not to interfere. Then the drunk stranger takes a step back then replies looking at Kyle.

Stranger: You're little lady there is very sweet, which is why I'm going to let this go.

Lydia grabs Kyle's hand urging him not to throw a punch, he almost snarls at the stranger who has already started to make his way out of the crowded bar area back to his table.

K: What an ass! Don't ever get in the middle of a fight like that again Lydia.

L: I don't want you to get hurt.

K: (annoyed) I could have taken him. What you think I couldn't have beaten the shit out of him.

L: I know you could, I just.....

K: (moves closer towards her) You just what?

Bartender: You ready to order Sir?

L: Yeah a Moscow Mule and a eer.....(Looks towards Kyle)

K: Whiksey sour.

L: Any reason you're going for the hard stuff today?

K: (replies coldly) Yeah it takes the sting away.

Lydia feels a shooting pain as Kyle uses the word sting, it is the exact same feeling she has when she thinks about him. She knows exactly what Kyle means with his statement then being the bigger person she states. 

L: We need to talk.

K: (cold) About what?

L: Stop it Kyle! We need to clear the air, move passed all this.

K: (pointing between them) All this?

L: (sighs) Yes us.

K: Where?

L: After we get out of here.

K: You think it's a good idea we leave together?

L: Yeah why not? You don't?

K: I don't want to be fodder for office gossip.

L: Okay I'll leave first, after I finish my drink. Meet you by the train station ten minutes later?

Kyle nods his head in agreement. Lydia makes her way to the birthday girl to say goodbye.

L: So Violet any new resolutions for this year?

V: Yes! To get into as much trouble as possible. (chuckles) Not to be able to tell my Mom any of it.

The group laughs lightly, she's always been the funny one. Kyle stares at Lydia he just can't get enough of her. She wants to get out of the bar and is looking forward to resolve the issues with Kyle. 

On the other hand he is a bit nervous to have this conversation with her. He has no idea what the outcome is, he feels unprepared in uncharted territory. When Lydia finally leaves the bar Kyle's heart rate starts to increase he wants to go after her, grab her then kiss her deeply, showing her exactly how much he wants her.  

Things are going to get pretty hot. Who is waiting for some steamy scenes?

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