Perfect First Date

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My dirty blonde hair whips at my face when I twist my hips, shredding the waves as much as possible. I have a huge smile plastered on my face as the wave ends. I sit on my board and just float for a while, this is where im happiest out on the ocean, surfing. I lay down on my board, hands relaxing behind my head. The cool water, hot sun, smell the salt in the air, and the cute guys. I laugh out loud at my thoughts. I snap my entire body up, ready to surf again. About 10 feet to my left I see a guy on a surfboard staring at me.

"Hey!" I yell to him, he points at himself " Yeah you! Race me! "He just smirks.

"You're on! "He yells back, taking off toward the waves, gaining a Headstart.

"Hey!" I call while paddling my board around. Trying to catch up. He reaches the peak of the wave he decided we would ride before me but I quickly catch up to him on the way down. I whip the tail of my board in his direction, splashing him in the face with water. He ignores it, bending lower causing him to go faster. And he beats me. Damn. I pull next to him and shake his hand. "Good game, I'm Allison"

"Ross" he replies. Up close I can see his features. This is one of those cute boys I was talking about. I smiled. "Well Ross how about I take the winner out for lunch. "He laughs.

"Personally I think the winner should take the loser out. I don't want to be considered a sore winner. "He winks at me and he paddles back to shore, me at his tail. Once back at shore we dry off, he puts on a shirt and I my tank top and shorts. "Where to? "I say, adjusting my shirt.

"Griddles "he says, with the sparkle in his eye. We put our boards on top of his car and Hop in. He puts his arm behind my seat to back up and leaves it there as he continues to drive.

At the restaurant we eat and we talked for a couple hours when we realize it's dark outside. "Well shit" I say closing the phone. "It's late" Ross just looks at me, smiling "what? "I say jokingly shoving him across the table.

"Let's go to my house and watch some movies with my family "I laugh nervously.

"What? Really? You want me to meet your family? I just met you? "

"Come on! "He said shaking my hand in his "I just want to see something "I stare at him for a while, then glance out in the dark, then glanced down at my time on the phone. Ahh Hell.

"Okay. I'm down "

"yes! "He jumps up quickly, pulling me with him. Then we run out and leave, five minutes later I step into Ross' house. I'm overcome by bodies.

"How's it going, Rocky "a brunette walks up to me, shaking my hand.

"Stormie and Mark "Ross' parents.

"And Riker, Rydel, Ryland "Ross says quickly, helping me avoid meeting everyone at once. "Okay let's get movie watching!" Ross pushes me to the couch and everyone sits around me as Ross starts playing the hunger games, making Rocky move so he could sit next to me. Although it must be the hundredth time I have watched this movie it feels like the first, because everything with Ross feels new and exciting. And I love it.


Ross talks to me on my doorstep about our day, "so what do you think of my family? "I laugh.

"They are really funny, and pretty cool too I guess" i chuckle, his smile widens.

"Perfect "he leans over and kisses me on the lips and I reciprocate.

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