(DISCONTINUED) For Today's Events

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(A/N: Hey everyone! It's SSP here with a new Rescue Bots story that has been in the works for quite a long time! I sincerely hope you enjoy because this is probably one of my favorite OTP's ever! Do keep in mind this takes place approx a year or two after season 4. Unfortunately, the whole season has not aired when I am writing this, so if anything is not canon, LET'S JUST PRETEND IT WAS AN AU TO BEGIN WITH! :D DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters or the picture! This chapter contains 3255 words exactly.)


It started out as a normal enough day. Mr. Harrison's helipack malfunctioned, Mr. Pettipaws got stuck in a tree, and Don was speeding again. (Much to Chase's annoyance.) It was gorgeous weather too, not a cloud in the sky. After a lazy morning, my family decided to take advantage of the nice autumn weather and go on a picnic in Blossom Vale.

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty excited. I heard that the trees practically glittered gold during fall. Originally, I had invited Frankie with us. It was Dad's idea, seeing as we haven't really been able to see each other out of school ever since it started early for Griffin Rock students. So I called her yesterday and she said that her parents needed her tomorrow to watch Cece. I was in the bunker when I called, and Boulder overheard us. He suggested that she could always bring her half sister along.

But, just like Graham, Cece is allergic to ragweed. A pollen irritant that spikes during fall. So with a heavy sigh, I knew I had to cut my losses. I told Frankie goodbye and hung up. Maybe Servo would like to come with us, I know he loves to chase the squirrels there.

And so here we are, several miles away from town, appreciating the breath taking scenery that is Blossom Vale during autumn. And Servo actually did want to come with us! Salvage told me that's he's been cooped up in the Training Center on the Mainland for a while and getting to see Griffin Rock again would be good.

We didn't go to our regular lookout point. Instead we headed further up where cell service is pretty sketchy, but the view was worth it. We ate lunch and Dad told stories from when he was a kid. He told us that I'm a spitting image of him when he was my age, which I thought was noble! I remember being really little and going to see Grandma Burns on the Mainland for New Years. She had tons of old photos of Dad and Uncle Woodrow from their childhood. One of them was of Dad holding up a fish that was caught on a lure. I vividly remember Grandma Burns telling me that I could easily be mistaken as his twin if I really wanted too. Which is a lie, I don't think anyone can age as gracefully as Dad does.

Afterwards, we packed up and a couple of us decided we should go on a hike trail. I say a couple of us, but it was really just me and Servo that wanted to go. Well, technically, Boulder wanted to come too. But the trail gets pretty narrow so he decided against it. However, I did promise him I would take some photos for him!

So we went back down the road we came in from and jumped on a trail that would take us right under Mt. Griffin. I was pretty excited! I had walked this trail a hundred times. But today, I was going to go on top of the Griffin itself. I'll possibly get the best view of the island ever!

Precariously climbing over rocks and avoiding cliffs, we were finally at the base of the Griffin monument. I carefully scaled it from the tail to the head. Getting down on my knees to steady myself, I took in the view of the island. It was phenomenal! It was breath taking! It was so... noble! And Servo agrees!

You could see the trees all shedding their multicolored foliage and see the evergreens stick out like sore thumbs. You could smell the crisp scent of autumn like it was some sort of candle. The breeze on top was actually very light, considering how high up we were. I took a deep breath and smiled. This is why I love my home. This is why I keep going even when times get tough. Because, deep down, I always know it gets better. I'm happy that I was lucky enough to live to see the view of Griffin Rock like this monument does everyday.

(DISCONTINUED) Through Sickness And Health (Transformers Rescue Bots)Where stories live. Discover now