Chapter 35--How the Mighty Will Fall

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Hands shaking, he brushed away his doubts and seized a long, thin syringe from the drawer. It may as well have weighted a ton as he filled it with the strange fluid.

He prayed he'd be the same after the magic. His morals--while his father had none, Vadik was sure of his.

No killing. No false blame. It was his chant, over and over again, spoken once while filling the tube, spoken again when rolling up the sleeve.

When the metal point rammed through skin and a tingle of power started to course through his veins, the chant melted away into nothingness.


The palace was strangely silent.

It had been that night--silent. Peaceful.

It was almost calm until a pair of boots came tapping down the hall. The man wearing them walked with his head high, eyes straight and pointed to his goal.

When he slowed to a halt, he was still as a stone. Cold. He clenched his fist and knocked loudly on the golden handled doors. Carefully fiddling with something hidden behind his chest plate, he plastered a wide smile to his face.

The door which he knocked on swung open. "What?" yawned the person who answered it. He held onto the frame of the door lazily, still trying to wake up the rest of the way.

Vadik raised his eyebrows. "Well, Joshua, I was hoping for your assistance in a matter."

Zara's brother let out a sigh. His green eyes widened--the green eyes like hers. "Oh, I meant no disrespect. Sorry."

The man cut him off with a wave of his hand. "Nyet, disrespect does not matter. You forget, I don't follow my father's path."

The other man bobbed his head, his limp curls bouncing along with his head. "Da. What would you have me do?"

"Come with me."

Joshua limped away from the doorway and glanced quickly behind him. "I'm amazed we did not wake Father."

His father. Vadik had forgotten about the older man. "How does he fare these days? I haven't seen him since your sister left for the beast."

Joshua's eyes lowered sadly at the mention of his sister. "You know as much as I do. He has become more... handle-able"

The other laughed. "Easier to handle is always good."

They strode down the hallway quickly, one almost running and the other day limping along behind on his wooden leg.

"Have you heard any word from Zara?" Joshua questioned.

"No, friend, I haven't. Not since yesterday, when you asked."

The two stopped in front of a large golden door. Joshua looked up and stared.

"Isn't this the king's room?"

Vadik nodded. A sick thrill soared through him at what was about to happen. Excitement would do no good, however. Above all else, he needed to stay calm.

"He will not mind. Wait here, Joshua. I'll call when I need you."

The younger boy nodded.

"As you wish."

Vadik opened the door slightly, doing his best to have it make no noise. He slipped his body through the small crack and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now for the easy part.

The man on the bed sat up from his reading, lifting a round, glass piece from his eyes.

"Ah! And to what do I owe this pleasure?"

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