At the Dudlow's

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“Even now?”

“Of course, right now I am Beth and those cloths are much more comfortable to wear than Queen Saorice.”

“I’ll try your majesty—I mean Beth.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, we had you here while the queen was supposed to have been rescued what I don’t understand is who did they rescue?”

“That was a fake an impostor who does not have any claim to the throne, even the council is a sham.”

“Then you’ll be getting your throne back.”

“It will have to wait, I have far more pressing matters to deal with and to tell you the truth we had only come here to get silhouette and stay for a moment of our time.”

Master Dudlow turned towards Dillon. “Does that mean you won’t be staying to help with he harvest.”

Dillon played with his bread before answering. “I’m sorry. I would have come back, but like you I was surprised about Beth being the queen but I made a promise that I would see her safely home and she hasn’t returned to the throne yet, plus I have other matters I need to attend to. If somethings hadn’t come you would have me. I wish I could make it up to you.”

“Don’t worry yourself. You keep our queen safe, were going to need her for the future.”

Saorice didn’t have to warn the Dudlow’s about what the future may bring, but she wanted them to prepared. She wasn’t ready to tell them what she was about to do and that Dillon may become a god. “Things are going to be changing and there will be rough roads ahead. I’ve been warned that a darkness will be coming, threatening our kingdom and those around us. Your going to need to be prepared before it comes. If I can I’ll find a way to stop it, but if I don’t your lives will become difficult.”

“Your ma—I mean Beth, we work the land and are tough as nails, though my large belly makes me look soft. We’ll deal with what comes our way. You just take care of yourself and make sure Dillon doesn’t jump into things head first. Now when will you be leaving?”


“Can’t you stay the night. It’ll be getting dark soon.”

“We must be going, I don’t want to delay what we have to do.”

“It’s ashame, at least comeback to us when you’ve settled things.”

“I will.”

“You two Dillon.”

“Of course.”

Saorice and Dillon went to the barn to get her horse. Silhouette had his head lowered and eating hay as soon as he heard their foot steps his head lifted up and he looked at them. He grunted and turned his head.

Dillon chuckled “I think he is upset with us.”

“Hmm. Lets see how long that will last. Saorice pulled out a slice of apple and held it out on a flattened palm. Silhouette tried not to take notice, but the horse smelt the offered fruit and could not resist. He took the apple from Saorice hand and then placed his head affectionately against her chest. Saorice held his head enjoying the contact. “I knew you wouldn’t be mad at me long.”

Dillon grabbed a brush and stared grooming him. “Well I better at least give him a hard brush before we leave. Silhouette looked like he was in heaven the double attention he received made the horse nicker with pleasure. When Dillon finished brushing him he placed the saddle on his back and cinched it up. “I hope you don’t mind some extra weight.” Dillon put their packs on Silhouette the horse didn’t object. Saorice held the reins of the Hors and Dillon sat behind her holding he waist. He never new how to ride a horse so she took the lead. She would have to teach him, eventually they would have to get another horse. She didn’t want silhouette to be carrying a heavy burden for the time it would take to complete her task. She had worried about Bradon, not knowing how he would keep up. There was no horse that could handle a man his size. Her worry was unfounded. The man was able to keep pace with silhoutte and it seemed he didn’t exert any energy while running. She wanted to know more about him, but he was as queite as before. She wondered if he were mute. Going through the village they passed by a ranch with no cows. There was a small hen house and Barnab was feeding the chickens. She turned silhouette and made the horse trot onto Barnab land. Dillon spoke into her ear. “What are you doing?”

“Righting some wrongs.” She got off the horse and Dillon was about to follow. She raiseda hand to halt him. “I have to do this by myself.” Dillon nodded and stayed on top of Shilloutte. She knew if Barnab tried anything Dillon would not hesitate to rescue her, but she was more worried about the giant. At least Brandon stayed with Dillon. Though it would only take him a mere moment to reach her side.

Barnab was throwing grains on the dirt ground for the chickens to eat, he smiled as he watched them gobble up the food. He heard her approached and his smile turned into a frown. “What do you want?”

“I want to make amends for the misfortune I had placed on you.”

“Your not the queen, she’s up in the church. I even have a document saying that’s she has been wedded to the church. I should be the one to say sorry to you. I acted the fool that day could have killed you, thank goodness your boy friend and the smith cam by. Boy did I get my head kncked on straight afterwords. That man his a devil with his fists.”

Saorice didn’t think he’d believe her no matter how much she tried to convince him. Before he was ready to kill her. Now he was ashamed for what he had done, though he thought her someone else. He didn’t like lying but she had no choice and she wanted to settle her guilty conscious by helping him out. She was supplied with lot of coin by the high priest and didn’t think it would be wrong of her to give Barnab some gold for the trouble she had caused.

“I had chance to meet with the queen and I am doing her bidding. She deeply apologizes for the grave inconvenience she had caused you and is sorry for your further loss of cattle during the storm. As a token of apology three gold will pay for your compensation and hopefully make your ranch whole again.”


His voice was cut short when he say the three gold pieces that she pulled out of her purse. She handed the gold to Barnab who trembled when they fell into his hand. Tears fell out of his eyes.

“This—this is far more than I need. I don’t know what I would do with all of it.”

“What every you do spend it wisely.”

“Thank you and thank you for informing the queen.”

Saorice left and got onto the horse.

Dillon leaned towards her. “Did that make you feel better.”

“Just a little bit, it still doesn’t take away the pain I initially caused him.”

“You know that he’ll think the fake queen has been charitable towards him and he may now become her supporter.”

“Yes I know. She’s not ruling and if anything bad were to happen, he would look towards the council as the problem.”

“You’ve figured it all out haven’t you.”

“I whih Iwas able to, there is so much you and I have to do.”

Intertwined Book OneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu