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Saorice had so many questions for the high priest, but he had left after she told him how she was kidnapped, rescued by Dillon and healed by Sarah. She didn’t give him the Dudlows names. She then told him about witnessing the wedding and meeting up with Jermain and his betrayal that almost led to Dillon’s death.   A soft pallet with a pillow and heavy blanket was made for her. The priest attending Dillon would come in to check up on him every hour. She thought about leaving the room, she wanted to know where she was, but the large bald man stood at the door, barring access to the next room. Saorice looked straight into his eyes and found that his eyes were milky white. He was blind, there was enough space for her to pass bye. Moving quietly she guided her self to the space, a big hand shot  out barring her from any further progress. Despite the man being blind he seemed to know where she was. “It’s stuffy in here, can’t you let me through to the next room to see if it is easier to breath in.”

He didn’t reply and he Left is hand in place. Saorice and Dillon may have been rescued by the high  priest, but they were still prisoners. She grunted and went to check on Dillon. She should have know that she wouldn’t be allowed to go free. The High  priest still had an agenda not that he has her he could have the real queen wed the gods, not the fake. He must have been upset when he found out that he had been tricked. How did he know? Saorice was curios and it was good incredible luck that the high  priest found Her and Dillon.

Dillon appeared to look better and his breathing was steady. She touched his chest and his eyes opened. “Be--My queen.”

Saorice placed a finger over her mouth. “Shush.” Dillon’s eyes closed. She had a lot of explaining to do when he was fully awake and recovered. She bent forward and kissed Dillon on the forehead.


Saorice jumped. The high Priest stood next to her and she didn’t hear him approach.

“Our Queen, in love with a simple commoner, there is hope for you and the kingdom.” The high priest stroked his beard with his fingers.”

“I just care about him.”

“I see more than that, your love for him will serve you well and I hope he returns it. Your going to need each other when you leave.”

Saorice looked at him sharply. “Don’t you mean to keep me here so I could be wedded to the church?”

“Do you want that?”


The high priest sighed. “Though that’s what I desire for the church, I can’t have someone who isn’t willing to give her life in the churches service. I think it would be reckless. Besides you may become the queen we need.”

“I want to take my throne back.”

“Patience girl, not yet. You still have some growing to do and if I manage to put you back on your throne, I would be sending  you to a quick death. Jermain has new helpers and replaced some of the guards. I’m sure they  are loyal to him. We also have that thing pretending to be you.”

“What is it?”

“I suspect it is a Homunculus created through a mix of alchemy and dark arcane magic. All Jermain needed to create the thing was a lock of your hair.”

“Jermain created it?”

The high priest nodded. “That and the poison that nearly killed the boy.”

Saorice didn’t understand how Jermain had the knowledge to create such vile things. He was a simple adviser, not an alchemist.

“It’s hard to believe, but sometimes it’s easy to keep secrets.”

Intertwined Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now