To the city

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Dillon stood outside the fence line of the Dudlow’s property with Beth. The Dudlows were their saying goodbye to Beth. Master Dudlow kept wincing from the bright sunlight.

Master Dudlow covered his eyes with his hand. “Dam, sun never seen it so bright in my life. I wish the sun would turn itself down a notch”

Missus Dudlow wrapped him on the head with her knuckles. “That’s because you never drank so much. In all the years of out marriage I’ve never seen you loose yourself to drink.”

“It was a celebration and I had to drink with th men.”

Missus Dudlow shook her head and sighed. “Never mind that now. Beth be well and don’t forget you’ll always have a home here.” She hugged Beth.

Beth straightened the bonnet she wore. “Thank you I’ll remember that, I’ll miss you both very much.”

Master Dudlow clapped a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t be saying that, were not that far from you and you can pay us a visit anytime. Besides you’ll have to come back for that horse. Not sure why you don’t take him now. It be quicker to get to the city.”

“I can’t--not yet, when I know what’s happening I’ll let you know. Perhaps I can visit you at that time.”

“Well don’t take too long about it. That horse is attached to you and needs to be ridden. I’ll break it’s back if I try, heck I may break my back if I tried to mount the fella. Dillon, you best be coming back once you see Beth all safe. I really would appreciate if you’ll help me around the farm. I know I asked you to stay, but if you do decide to leave at least do it after the first harvest.”

Dillon wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay that long, but he did feel that he still owed the Dudlow’s for their kindness and he enjoyed keeping his hands busy. Though farming felt good, it still didn’t resonate in his soul. “I think I can stay a little longer.”

Master Dudlow gave him a bear hug. “Glad to hear that, no be off with the little lady and be safe.”

Missus Dudlow also gave a him a hug. “I don’t want to see any harm done to Beth. Keep her safe.”

“I will.”

“Beth, be gentle with this boy and try not to hurt him.”

Beth blushed. Dillon was not sure what that comment meant and he decided to just ignore it.

“Now move along the two of you.”

Dillon and Beth walked away and headed to the main road. With his back to the farm he felt a chill inside his body. It felt as if he was leaving them for good. They hit the main road and it was full of people. Their were nobles riding their mounts with an entourage of servants and guards. Some nobles rode in black lacquered carriages, the edges gilded in gold. The coat of arms of their house was painted in gold. The guards made sure not to allow anyone to be near them and their was a good twenty feet separating common folk from from the nobles on ether side of the carriage. If anyone got too close a guard would point a long spear at them. The threat of the spear made them fall back and keep the imposed distance. Commoners were the largest of the travelers. Many looked to be farmers, some hunters. There were a few running around begging for food and coin. One got too close to the carriage and a spear was thrust through his shoulder. Beth eyes flared and she tried to run towards the injured person. Dillon was quick to react and grabbed a hold of her arm stopping from going any further.

“Why’d you stop me?”

“I can’t have you hurt, just wait.”

Beth didn’t relax, but as soon as a big enough distance from the carriage and the injured man was created others came to help him.

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