Chapter Six What Now?

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Dillon stomped down the stairs. That girl was horrible, she treated him like he was an inconvenience something less than what he was. The stare she had given him earlier seemed like it was full of hate, but there was a moment before he set her on the bed that she looked at him differently. If only she wasn’t so rude and acted high and mighty. How could such a beautiful looking person behave in such away. She was beautiful, he couldn’t say otherwise He had never seen violet eyes before. The only mention of them was of the queen and her family. Of course she was not the queen, but he wondered if she were a noble related to her. It could explain her attitude. Nobles were always taking an never gave back. His fathers life was taken by people who killed the Queens mother and father. He was a caster in the service of the king, but he wasn’t recognized for trying to save the royal family, he hated that his life was given and the only one who survived was a girl too immature to rule the kingdom. If that girl was truly a noble it would be best to stay away, except when he saw her awake on the stairs he wanted to go to her and help her down, he feared she would fall and hurt herself. The bed warmer stopped his approach, he wasn’t afraid for himself. He could just see that if he went up there she would swing it at him and tumble down the stairs. She did eventually swing it at him and she did fall. He caught her, he touched her the exposed skin on her shoulders and it felt soft. He wanted to caress them with his hands, but he didn’t want to offend her. Not that it did any good. Somehow she found offense with him anyway.He walked into the Dudlow’s kitchen and plopped himself into a chair. Master Dudlow was at the counter pouring liquid from a steaming pot into a couple of cups. He set one cup down in front of Dillon and another at the opposite end of the wooden table. He sat down and shook his head while he grinned.

“Have some Mulled cider, it’ll help settle you down.”

Dillon took a sip, he had cider before, but this was a much better quality, the ginger and cinnamon gave him a feeling of warmth, his tense body loosened up and he settled into the chair.

“Girls can be fickle at times, and that one you brought to us is certainly no different. Her mannerisms may not be of a farm girl, but she still acts the same.”

Dillon took another sip of the cider. “I think she hates me.”

Master Dudlow laughed “The more they hate you the more likely they like you. Sometimes they don’t even know it themselves. Take my wife for example, I fell for her the first time I laid my eyes on her, but what followed after was some of the most painful trying moments of my life. I spent years trying to court. Many times she would ignore and when I was about to give up, she’d give this smile that set my heart afire and re-energize me. Eventually she let me catch her.”

“How’d you do that?”

“Nothing special really. I just cooked a pie and shared it with her.”

“She married you because of a pie?” Dillon couldn’t help but smirk.

“Well, you could say that, but after she took one bite of my pie she gave me a sour face and said. If this is the kind of food your going to feed yourself, you’ll be having an early grave. I can’t have that. I’ll have to marry you just to extend your life. My cooking is much healthier.”

Dillon burst out in laughter “She said that?”

“She did, I was happy that she wanted to marry me, but disappointed that she thought my cooking was bad. I thought I was a good cook.”

Master Dudlow slapped his belly. “As you can see I enjoy her cooking very much. Even laboring on the farm is not taking the fat off me.”

Dillon finished his cider and Master Dudlow refilled his cup. “I doubt that she thinks of me that way and besides I’m not thinking of trying to court her.”

Master Dudlow rubbed his nose. “You say that now. Who knows what will happen. What are you going to do now?”

“I want to make sure the girl is well and get her home. After that I’m not sure. I’m supposed to go to the church, but—”

“You never wanted to become a priest.”

“No, I was thinking of sneaking away from Everish to look for my brother. Now that he is dead I kind of feel guilty about doing that.”

“You didn’t kill him and certainly your thought of running away didn’t kill him either. If you don’t go to the church and become a priest I don’t see any harm in it.”

“But the gods”

“Forget the gods, only two kinds of people go to the church. One that feel it in their hearts that they’ve been called to service and those who are looking for power through the church. What does your heart tell you?”

“Not to go, but it doesn’t tell me what I should do with my life. I thought I’d be a hunter like my uncle, but I don’t feel that is right for me either. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Well while your deciding and waiting for the girl to get better, you can help me on the farm. Heck you might find out that you were meant to be a farmer. I would welcome the extra help and if you wanted to stay I would welcome that as well. Just eat my wifes food in moderation or you’ll end up as round as me.”

“I’d gladly help you, you have offered me food and lodging and taken a stranger into your care,the least I can do is pay you back with some labor.”

“Good. We start early in the morning.”

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