Chapter 2

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I woke up sprawled on a metal table. I tried getting up, but found myself strapped down. I waited for what felt like 20 minutes. Then the man walked in. My heart stopped as it filled with pure hatred and fear. "W-W-Where am 
I" I stuttered. "Tulsa,Oklahoma." He replied. That was so far away from New York City. "What do I call you" I asked. "You can call me master if you like" I threw up inside at the thought of calling him master. "Yeah no, not happening" I replied. He brought out his knife out and slashed me across the cheek. I let out a whimper as warm blood began to seep through. "Don't back talk me" the man yelled. He moved me to what look like a dentist chair I started punching him just for fun, not, He pushed a tiny needle into my neck and I went limp. He sat me down and chained me up. Yeah like I was going anywhere soon I thought. He then left the room, leaving me in darkness.

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