I'm One of Them

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Roy's POV
"Ah. My head." I groaned. I tried bringing my hand up to my head, but that's when I realized, I was being strapped down. What the hell? I thought to myself. Where am I? What's going on? I looked around the room. Sheer darkness. It looked like a room with metal walls. Were those... blood stains? I saw I was being hung by my wrists, to the metal wall. Rusty chains that were tightly gripping into my wrists, and onto my ankles. The ones on my ankles were attached to the ground, making me be lifted off the cold metal floor. What the hell? Where am I? "Ah. It's nice to see you're awake. Colonel Roy Mustang." A woman's voice said. I could only see her bottom half. Showing off her black dress, heels, and.... claws. She stepped closer to me, revealing more of herself. She was a very, interesting woman. She had black wavy hair, pale skin, blood red lips, red piercing eyes. I looked at her chest. She had a symbol on there. Wait... I've seen that somewhere. But where? "Do you know what I am Mustang?" That's what she is. "Are you one of those homunculi I've been hearing about?" She gave me a sinister smile. "Yes, I am." I gritted my teeth. "What the hell do you want with me? Aren't you supposed to be after that superhero?" My eyes widened, realizing what they were trying to do. She seemed to notice. "Why so surprised? Do you know our plan? Wow. You catch on fast." She chuckled. "You bitch!! You're gonna use me as bait to drag him here?!" "Yep. And, it's going to work. Trust me. But first, I need to ask a favor of you. And you will say yes." I growled. "I would never do anything for you!" She laughed. "Who said you had a choice?" She stabbed my side. I coughed up blood. I groaned, trying not to scream. I tightly closed my eyes, looking down. She retracted her claws, grabbing onto my hair, pulling my head so that we were face to face. "If you don't agree, I'll kill you. Now. The favor. I'm going to turn you into one of us. A homunculus. You'll be me. Lust. I just have to transfer my soul into yours. Then you'll fight off that little hero for me. Got it?" I tried to not give in. I have her an angered glare. My glare weakened, as I gave into her commands. Bowing my head, and closing my eyes shut, I surrendered. "Good boy. That's right Roy. You follow orders. You are part of the military after all." I looked up and saw her open up her chest where the symbol was. A philosopher's stone. "All I have to do, is take this stone, and inject it into you." She ripped it out, quickly transferring into me. She swiped open my chest. I screamed, the pain was too much for me to handle. I couldn't hold it in. She inserted the stone into the tear on my chest. She collapsed, as I kept screaming, feeling the stone, go into my system. I could feel the stone making me stronger. Making me more powerful. I was turning into a homunculus. Lust, her soul was taking over mine. She was in control of me. I could only slightly interact with her soul. But she was in control now. I couldn't do anything. She won.

RoyEd~My Love at MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now