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January 20, 2009 10:35am

Port Aransas, Texas.

Throwing the hoop up in the air, Elise spun to her arms, her feet on the air as she caught the circle with her left foot, jumping back down. She turned the hoop through her right arm and then her left arm. Elise threw the hoop through the air again, jumping up and catching it with her arm.

She heard a clap coming from behind her.

Elise spun around in surprise, dropping her hoop to the ground. She smiled when she saw her boyfriend, Chase, standing at the gym entrance. "That was amazing," He said with a smile and stepped towards her.

Elise's face heated up at his compliment. "No, I have done better than this,"

Chase placed his hands on her shoulders. "Elise, you need to give yourself more credit. What you just did, I cannot imagine doing that,"

Sometimes, Elise wondered how she got this lucky to find a guy like Chase. To this day, he could still make her heart race.

"What are you thinking about?" Chase asked her, bringing her back to reality.

Elise smiled at him. "I'm thinking about you about the first time that we met. Do you remember that?"

Chase grinned at her. "How could I forget? Meeting you was the best part of my day,"

Elise's cheeks heated up. "Really?"

He nodded. "How could I not? You're beautiful and smart and the first person to acknowledge me. Being a new kid isn't always fun,"

"Do you miss it? Do you miss being back in Chicago? I bet that was a big change,"

"It was," Chase confessed to her. "I missed it at first. I am glad we ended up in Texas because if we didn't. I wouldn't have met you,"

Elise's smile grew.

Chase reached towards her face, his fingers brushing against her skin. His touch sent shivers through her body.

"You have a beautiful smile, Eli. I love seeing you smile,"

"You make me smile; you make me happy, Chase,"

His arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer towards him until they were inches apart from each other.

Elise's heart pounded.

Chase's lips encountered hers.

Elise's arms wrapped around his waist. At this moment, nothing else mattered.

After a few minutes, they pulled away but wrapped their arms around each other. Elise leaned her forehead against his. She couldn't seem to stop smiling. "I love you," She whispered to him.

Chase reached for her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers. "I love you too. I miss this, and I miss spending time like this with you. When it's just two of us."

Elise's smile faded.

"Hey, it's okay. I know that you are busy with practice,"

"I should at least try... I'm..." Elise trailed off when she saw Chase shaking his head at her.

"Elise, you have nothing to be sorry about. Besides, I have been occupied with Tennis and work,"

"Are you busy this weekend?"

"I got work on Sunday, but I am free on Saturday,"

Elise smiled. "Perfect, let's do something. Just you and me,"

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