Chapter 32 - Just a Quick Look

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Chapter 32 - Just a Quick Look

A soft knock on the door distracted me.

Before I could turn my attention back, Grant was off me and casually leaning against the window frame.  He smiled at me with a confidence that surprised me.

The door opened with a force and Joel appeared in the space.  His whole body deflated in relief when he saw Grant on the other side of the room.  He shoved his fists in his pockets, dropped his head so that his hair hung down and shuffled his feet.  His lifted his eyes to me and then he noticed my expression.

“Cissy, are you alright?”

I nodded.

“Sorry for busting in, but I’ve realised something - every time things have gone wrong for us it was because we made decisions without talking.  We are a couple Cissy, we need to make joint decisions because this affects us both.  We are getting married Cissy, I want to be a part of your life.”

I blinked at him.

“Cissy, we can’t keep secrets from each other and we have to start trust each other more.  I want to be involved with this.  I promise I will be supportive and fair but I need to have a say.  This affects us both.”

I opened my mouth as I glanced back to Grant who merely raised an eyebrow at me.  I knew the stakes.  I knew what he wanted me to do. The question was - how was I going to do this?

“So what does he want?  What do you want Grant?”

I looked back at Joel and bit the inside of my lip.

“You can tell me.”

“Yes, tell him Cissy.  Tell him what you want to do.”

I closed my eyes for a second and gathered my thoughts.

“Cissy?  What’s wrong?”

“Umm,” I started but couldn’t continue.  I glanced back to Grant who nodded slowly without taking his eyes from mine.

I closed my eyes again and decided that the only way I could do this was to blurt it out, “He wants me to break up with you.”

Silence.  I cringed as I opened my eyes.

“He what?” Joel growled through his clenched teeth.

“He wants...”

“I heard!” Joel snapped

“Joel, I...”

“Cissy, I thought I was clear about this...” Grant sounded furious.

“No!  No Cissy!  No, you are not going to do that!” Joel then pointed at Grant, “This was your game, wasn’t it!  All of this, the bomb, the innuendos, the secrets, all specifically designed to torment me!  You never loved her.  You never felt anything at all for her.  All you wanted was revenge.  You wanted to make me suffer because I married the other Cissy.  I won’t let you destroy us just because you stuffed up.  You rejected her Grant.  You made your choice.  Don’t blame me for that!”

“It was your fault, dork!  Your fault she cheated on me!  Your fault she had to marry you!  Your fault she’s dead!  You are to blame!”

I swung myself out of the bedroom door as Grant and Joel launched themselves at each other.  I leaned heavily against the wall facing the living area as something heavy collided with the other side.

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