2. The Cursed Pia

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A curse, cast upon a child at birth. To sing a deadly song, for all her time on earth.

Her voice, to be as pure a silk, yet as sharp as a knife.

She would sing for her, the witch whose curse had been laid. And men would hear this sweet voice, coming from afar their hearts would be strayed.

Bound by this fate, the young Pia was held. For a siren by tongue and a hidden angel by heart did meld.

Love was no option, for all men who heard her voice would die. For this, was the fate that the old witch wanted, as in younger days, she had been betrayed.

Pea knew no plight, for it was life to her, and yet still not bright.

One day, as she sang her song once more, in the tower she'd known since she was four. A simple handkerchief blew through the her window, landing a few feet from where she stood.

Fearing not a peek for the witch was not her foe, the young Pia found a man waiting far down below.

Standing in the place she'd know as the dell. His demeanor seemed not of her spell.

Awe stricken she said, "What dost thou want of me?"

The man replied with a smile, "Madam, I heard you from afar in the market, your voice is a beauty!"

This man, he was not yet dead. How could he be so right in the head?

Did the curse, she wondered, finally disappear? For am I allowed to finally cheer?

"Good sir!" she called. "Take me with you so that I may be free!"

"My lady, I shall. For you are the princess of Bree."

Shocked even more, this time to the core. How could she have forgotten her kingdom off by the shore?

"Come, my lady! And throw your golden hair, for with it, you may be able to climb down."

She did as was told, her much joy she could not hold.

But throwing down her precious hair, she found one secret, the man had never meant to save she, the heir. For all he had wanted was a piece of her hair, for it was a legend and he was of the poor.

With much tears and much sorrow, the young Pia never escaped, for cursed was her fate and forever she would be clad.


I hope you all like this! I was a contest entry for OfficialBooksGalore and FairytaleCommunity

This also my first ever poem(ish?) thing so comments would be appropriated ^-^

*Official winner of _Palen 's contest!!! <3 *

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