I Love You

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Hi guys, I just want to shoutout XxWhiteYvonnexX for giving me this idea, she's an amazing book writer so if you haven't already go check out her books. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one-shot :3

(Serena's POV)

Ash had just lost against Alain and me, Bonnie and Clemont are now going to congratulate him for getting this far.
We arrive at the room he was in.
"Congratulations Ash." I say. "Why are you congratulating me Serena, I didn't win."
Clemont butts is into the conversation.
"We're congratulating you because you got so far." "Well thanks guys, I appreciate it."
Ash's stomach then grumbles.
"Can we go get some food please?" He asks.
We all giggle.
"Of course Ash." I say.
We travel to the Pokecentre and order some food.
"So Ash what are you going to do now?" Clemont asks.
My smile instantly fades.
I just remembered, Ash is probably going to go back to Pallet Town to be with his family. That means our adventure is over.
"I'm probably going to go back to Pallet Town till I figure out what I want to do."
Just as I suspected.
I see Ash look at me worriedly. "Are you ok Serena?." He asks.
I nod.
If I would of said anything I would've probably burst out crying.
"Are you sure Serena, you don't look ok." "I-I'm ok Ash. I-I'm really tired, so I'm g-going to bed." I manage to say.
I stand up and run down the corridor.
All I heard was Ash shout my name but I completely ignore it. I don't want him to see me cry, especially after him loosing the league.
It would just be another thing he has to be worried about.
I fiddle with the keys and eventually unlock the door.
I rush into the bathroom and lock the door.
Tears start escaping my eyes.
Why does he have to leave so soon. I know he's been traveling with us for like a year, but It's gone so quickly. Too quickly.
I sit here crying for I don't know how long till I hear the door to the room we're staying in being unlocked.
I hear footsteps outside the bathroom.
"Serena, are you in there?"
It was Ash.
I don't answer because I know he'll find out that I've been crying.
"Serena?" He calls again.
"Y-yes." I reply.
I sounded horrible, way to go Serena.
"Are you ok?" "I-I'm f-fine." "Serena, let me in, I can help you."
Oh poo he wants to come in. I look a state though, I can't let him see me.
Think Serena think.
Ahhh!! I can't think!
I know, let's just stay silent, then he might leave me alone.
Probably the most stupid idea ever, but oh well.
I sit there in silence for a few minutes till Ash speaks up again.
"Um, Serena can we use the bathroom, we all need to kinda get dressed for bed."
Shoot! I forgot about that! I have to come out now!
Ok Serena breathe. All you have to do is open the door and walk out.
Ok, let's do this.
Wow, it sounds like I'm about to end the world or something.
I stand up from sitting on the edge of the bath and unlock the door.
Ash opens it and sees me.
His facial expression changes instantly.
Great, well done Serena you forgot to check if your eyes were red still and of course, they were.
"Serena have you been crying?" He asks.
Quick, think of an excuse.
"No, I just think I'm getting hay fever."
That was probably the worst excuse ever.
"Oh, ok, I'm going to get changed now, is that ok?" "Uh, yer."
I step out the bathroom and Ash closes the door behind me.
Bonnie and Clemont just stand there staring at me.
"I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be back soon." I quickly say, then charge out the room before anyone can stop me.
I run out the Pokecentre and into a nearby park.
I sit on a small wooden bench.
What has happened to me.
I've turned from the happy, cheery Serena into some depressed one that is crying over Ash leaving.
Tears start dripping from my eyes again.
What will I do with myself when he's gone, will I go back home. Will I try and become Kalos Queen again.
I don't know anymore, actually I don't care anymore.
All I want is to be with Ash.
I've loved him for 10 years.
10 years, it's a long time to love someone. A long time to have a crush on someone and not tell them.
Tears start to drop onto the floor.
"I just want you not to leave Ash, that's all I want. I don't care if you don't love me, I don't even care if you hate me." I whisper.
I don't even know why I said it out loud, it's not like he's going to hear it.
"Serena, I really didn't think you would be crying over me."
I look to my right to see Ash standing there.
I rush up to him and pull him into a hug.
"I-I'm sorry Ash, I'm sorry for making you worry. Don't worry about me, go do what you want to do, I don't want to stop you."
He pushes me closer to his chest and my tears drop onto his t-shirt.
"Serena, I've had this weird feeling for a while now and now I realize what it is."
He pushes my chin up so I'm looking at him.
"I love you Serena."
Did he really just say that.
Did he really just say he loved me.
"I-I love you too Ash."
He pulls me back into a hug.
It is real.
"Don't worry Serena. I will never leave you again. It was already a mistake that I left you when we were seven."
I pull away from the hug and stare into his eyes.
We both lean closer till our lips meet.
We stay there for about a minute until Ash pulls back to catch his breath.
"I guess we should head back to Bonnie and Clemont, they're probably getting worried." Ash says. "Yep."
We start walking.
"Ash." "Yes, Serena." "You'll stay with me forever, right?" "Of course."
He pulls me into a hug and walk back to the Pokecentre hand in hand.

Sorry if it seems quite short, I didn't want to drag it on. Anyway, tell, me in the comments if you enjoyed it and if you have any ideas of any one-shots.

Thankyou so much guys for 100 views!!
I'm glad that you people are enjoying these oneshots.
Just want to tell you that I will post a oneshot every weekend (probably Saturday).
Anyway, bye ^-^

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