yoosung ✧ art class

Start from the beginning

the girl turned her head to face yoosung and gave him a rather large smile. "sure!"

"ah, thank you." he sighed in relief, thankful that he wouldn't have to sit and struggle all lesson.

"oh... but you're going to have to describe my features to me, seeing as i can't see them myself." she laughed lightly, making yoosung's heart flutter.

'hm... how could i describe y/n's features?'

"alright, i personally find it easier to draw hair first so let's start with that!"

"well..." he didn't know what to say at first, unable to think of the right word choices. but he soon knew exactly what to say. "your [h/c] hair is a [h/l] length, and frames your face perfectly!"

yoosung, quite proud of his answer, looked over to you and saw your hand quickly make it's way up to your cheek in a flustered manner.

"o-ok! i'll sketch it as basic as i can for now, but you can add the detail later." she spoke quietly, looking like she was suddenly refusing to make any eye contact with the blond boy.

y/n's hand started moving swiftly, the pencil in her hand making light noises as it glided across the paper. yoosung only sat and marvelled over her overwhelming talent and, in no time at all, she had already done a rough sketch of the hair.

"wow... amazing!" the boy piped, his comment receiving a small and sheepish smile from the 'artist'.

the girl quickly started to sketch an outline of her face so she they could move on to the more intricate parts.

"ok..." removing her hand from her cheek, she looked up at yoosung with a small tint of red on her cheeks. "since the basics are sort of done... you can try and draw the eyes now."

y/n was holding out a pencil for him to take, which he gladly accepted, and stared at the piece of paper with an anxious expression.

yoosung heard a small laugh, and turned to face your direction.

"don't look so worried! i'm not going to abandon you half way." y/n smiled reassuringly, the small tint of red yet to fade from her cheeks.

"ah..." he sighed. "thank god."

"ok, before you start drawing it'd help to look at my eyes for a bit. just try and remember things like their shape, etc."

the boy stayed focused on her eyes for a little while, the two students not speaking nor breaking eye contact. from other people's point of view, it probably looked extremely awkward... which it was. but they both endured it for the sake of yoosung's (currently bad) art grade.

"ok... i think i've got it." yoosung confirmed after a few moments had passed.

he looked down at the paper again and tried his best to remember and imagine your eyes.

'they're this shape... and... her pupils are kind of like this, maybe?'

his thoughts were linked to his hands at this point, as he thought of each element of the girls eye, he attempted to draw them. the boys full concentration was currently on his paper and y/n.

after finishing his slow and light sketch, he lifted the pencil up from the paper to see a relatively well drawn eye, for yoosung, anyway.

"see! you can do it!~" the girl declared with an impressed tone, leaning her head across yoosung's still extended arm to look at the sketch closer up.

"i'm glad you think it's ok." the relieved boy huffed.

"it's more than ok! although, i'm going to have to put a downer on the mood now..."

yoosung stayed quiet, not so eagerly awaiting for the girl to continue.

"think you can draw another one? preferably extremely similar to the one you just drew."

the boys proud expression faltered slightly at the thought of drawing the exact same thing again. he barley just managed to draw the first one well, after all.

"can't you just be a cute cyclops for today?" yoosung asked, laughing at himself slightly.

his response including the word 'cute' made y/n blush even more than she already was, also making her let out a small laugh, something that made yoosung's heart beat a little faster.

"do you want me to help you with this one?"

yoosung nodded shyly as his pencil hovered reluctantly over the piece of paper. y/n gently grasped part of the pencil in her hand and pushed it down onto the paper. the girls sudden action had taken him by surprise, seeing as her hand was basically overlapping yoosung's, and turned him into a blushing mess.

"a-ah! sorry, i- well, i just thought it'd be easier if-"

y/n was cut short of her rambling by the boy, blushing a bright shade of red. "n-no, it's fine... heh..."

'no, it's really not fine. my stupid blush is going to give my hopeless crush on you away at this point. but... are you blushing too?' yoosung thought to himself, staring at the girl's bright red face.

y/n's eyes flickered to the also blushing boy for a few seconds, but as soon as she realised yoosung was already looking in her direction, she immediately looked back down at the paper.

"o-ok!" she stuttered, nerves suddenly evident in her voice. "first, i'd go around like this..."

as she spoke out her instructions, the girl did her best to push yoosung's hand in the right direction which, in the end, created a smooth eye shape on the piece of paper. almost completely identical to the last one, as a bonus.

yoosung's gaze once again made its way towards the girl, her own eyes sparkling with amazement at the sketch in front of them.

she leaned back slightly and turned to give a bright smile to the boy, keeping her hand on the pencil and yoosung's hand.

"we did it!" she beamed, her smile creating an absolutely beautiful aura around her. "your grade for this is going to be great!"

"hey, y/n, promise me one thing." yoosung asked, his face still a tint of red.

the girl hummed in response. "what is it?"

"when i'm drawing, you always have to hold my hand. it's like a good luck charm!"


– a/n; gAh i love yoosung so much, he's too precious for this world :')

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