Chapter 19:Morning After/ Time Jump

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Jessica POV:

I woke up to everything feeling sore, my legs, my down below half everywhere was sore and if i tried to move i would yelp in pain, i looked over to see Elijah still sleeping great how am i meant to go to the toilet if i can't move, i tapped him on the shoulder blade as he opened his eyes and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Morning love sleep well"Elijah said 

"Morning and no i didn't sleep well thank you very much"I said to him 

"Why what's wrong love"He said confused

"What's wrong i will tell you what's wrong i'm in pain all over my body and i can't move to go to the bathroom to pee and shower"I explained to him 

"Oh right sorry love you wanted it too remember so don't blame it all on me Love"Elijah said smirking 

"Well i need to pee so if you don't mind helping me up and carrying your wife to the bathroom so she can pee and can you also help her shower"I said as i sat up but regretted it 

As i felt pain rushing down my entire body which made Elijah vamp speed me to the bathroom placing me on the toilet as i started peeing while he ran a bath for us

Once i was done peeing i stood up cleaning myself and walked over to Elijah as he was sitting down on the bath side starring at me as i stood in between his legs hugging him as he hugged me back, once the bath was ready we both got it and relaxed i felt the pain rushing away from me, Elijah picked up the sponge and had body wash on it and rubbed it all over my body giving me a nice clean as i did the same to him, we spent hours in the bath and once we got out Elijah phone went and the caller i.d was Freya as he pressed accept

Elijah POV:

Phone Covo:

Elijah:Hello sister 

Freya:Hello Brother everything alright

Elijah:Yes Freya everything is fine how are you hows my son

Freya:I'm fine and well you see Klaus when you left He um took Dylan from me and he won't let anyone else have him expect for himself and his Mum

Elijah:Freya calm down i will deal with Klaus when we get home which will be soon okay we will see you soon Freya

Freya:See you soon brother

I hanged up the phone and looked to my stunning wife who was now fully ready wait i wasn't on the phone that long ah Vampire speed, i went to our suitcase and got changed as fast as i could, once i was done i closed up our suitcase and intervened my wife hand with mine as we walked out of the room and to my car as we both got in it i went to the back of the car and placed the suitcase in there and walked to the driver side getting in, i started the car as i drove out of the Motel parking lot and away home we went.

An hour later

We arrive back home as i pulled up next to my little brothers Kol car, i got out and went to the boot pulling out the suitcase as Jessica made her way into the house, i walked into the house before locking my car and as i did i heard Freya shouting up to Klaus to give her back Dylan as we were back but he said no, so i went upstairs and saw Freya standing outside of Klaus door she saw me and she smiled at me as i smiled back at her i knocked on Klaus door as he answered and saw that it was me and letted me in

"Niklaus you want to tell me why you kidnapped my son and didn't let him see the rest of his family"I said to him 

"I don't know, i didn't want to leave him"Klaus explained

"Niklaus i'm warning you if this happens again you won't be seeing your nephew ever again"I said as i walked over to the cot picking my son up and walking out of the room and down the stairs to find Jessica standing talking with Rebekah and Kol, they all looked at me as Jessica walked over to me taking Dylan out of my arms as Dylan hugged her smiling and giggling at his mother, i walked over to them and hugged them in my arms if i died this is where i want to be

What a nice family moment we have there and i don't want anything to break it.

Warning a big massive time jump

10 Years later

Dylan POV:

I am now 17 years old and i'm a vampire but since my dad mother is a witch she cast a spell on me giving me a soul mate and that we can have kids if we wanted to that is, i walked down the stairs and saw my mother and father kissing and touching each other up, i covered my eyes

"Ew gross mum and dad can't you do that when i'm not here"I said to them as they pulled away and stared at me 

"Sorry honey"My mother said smiling at me as i felt someone tug at my trousers

I looked down and saw my little sister Tori, i bent down and picked her up as she smiled and placed her head onto my shoulder cuddling into me as i hugged her back not letting her go, i looked at my parents and saw that they were smiling at us 

"DD play with me"Tori said 

Now as she is like 2 years old she knows her English very well too well in fact my mother and father love it as it's cute when she said mummy and daddy are making out and she screams it to loud that our aunts and uncles hear it

"Come on then what should we play with"I said smiling at her as she jumped down and grabbed my hand pulling me to the living room sitting on the floor with all of her toys surrounding us

Jessica POV:

When i saw my little girl pull her big brother out of the kitchen to play barbies with her my heart melt, i loved seeing them have a brother sister bond like Elijah has with Rebekah and Kol speaking of the rest of the original family they have found their mates as for Esther and Mikael they have been traveling the world together, they have been sending us postcards from all over the place who says old people can't have fun, i turned and looked at Elijah as he was staring at me smiling

"What"I said smiling at him

"Nothing just i'm happy look at what an amazing family we created"Elijah explained

"Yeah we have two kids and one of the way and no matter what happens nothing will come between us or our family"I said to him 

He kissed me on the lips then pulling away as we walked into the living room seeing our two kids on the floor playing dress up now, we laughed as they put on a show for us and that's what our life was now like and i wouldn't change a thing not for the world.

The end 

Hope you guys liked it thank you for taking the time and reading my story love you all 

see ya.


A Cullen/Mikaelson love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن