Chapter 15: Echoes on the Lake

Start from the beginning

Evie's hazel eyes wander off for an instant.

"It's weird. That poem touched my heart. The words still do. It's like there was some kind of magic connection. But that connection just disappeared. Actually, it kinda never clicked into place. Anyway, he's never written anything for me ever again. He can't even remember the words. I do love him but, well, like a brother."

"And Adam?"

"I don't know. I mean, I don't really know him."

"Adam won't let anyone know him. That's the problem. Plus his granddad is a loony. You should stay away."

"Hey, that's not a nice thing to say."

"Just sayin'!" Mary raises her arms in mock surrender and then adjusts the bandage on her head.

"I just feel Adam is different," Evie whispers before turning her head sharply towards the nearby bushes.

There is a rattling of leaves. A loud growling noise is fast approaching. Evie stands up as Mary moves closer to her. Brad and Daniel stop throwing rocks and turn towards the noise.

"What the hell is that?"


Not far away a flock of sea gulls rises from the pier. Larry Crawford looks up and takes off his baseball cap. He glances at Harry.

"I wonder what scared those birds."

Harry peers at the bushes at the foot of the hill. His eyes seem different, more focused. His lips begin to move.

Larry Crawford lets his fishing rod slip from his hand and kneels next to Harry. "What is it, boy?"

There are tears of joy in his eyes as he stares in amazement at the face of his adopted son.

Harry's first words come out in a shrieking cry. "ADAAAAAAAAAM!"

A howl is almost simultaneously heard deep within the pine trees. Another flock of gulls soars, squawking a protest, up into the sky.


Even though it was the first time I had ever heard the scream, I knew it was him.

Harry's voice pierces my Endohuman ears and sends a shockwave of energy through me.

An awakening.

Still clasped in Pappou's fatherly hug on the top of the cliff, I realize that I cannot allow this to happen. I step back from his grip and look into his white eyes.

"I am sorry, Pappou."

He shakes his head. "Don't do it, Adam. If you do, you will open the skies and They will come."

I barely hear him. I am already running at lightning speed through thorns and bushes.

Pappou lets the bow and the leather pouch with his golden arrows drop from his hands. Off the cliff they fall, splashing into the water and sinking into the deep.

Closing his eyes, he whispers into the gulf. "And so I have failed again, Light Mother. And so our destiny turns. And so They will come."

A tear falls from his blind eyes, yet inside he sees it all.

Pappou "sees" Mary and Evie hugging each other, scared and helpless behind Brad and Daniel, who are holding sharp sticks and facing the bushes, waiting for whatever is coming.

Pappou "sees" Coach Sanders step up behind them and kneel next to a fallen log before taking aim at the fast-moving shadow that is closing in.

Pappou "sees" me catch up to the Giant White and hurl myself forward with all my strength. My red cloak flies in the air. My fangs and claws are fully extended, and my eyes are burning fireballs.

First I touch fur. Then I dig my claws in, feeling them slicing through muscles and flesh. I bite hard into leathery skin and feel bones crunching between my teeth as we break out of the cover of the bushes.

The echo of a loud gunshot fills the air.

To be continued! (press that Vote button 😉)


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Love ya! Till next time!

Nick x

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