Chapter 25

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I took a deep breath in just to see what awful things were going to be said about me. But, little did I know I would be wrong. I saw #Nebecca, #TheBecisBack, #FinallyNiall, were all trending on twitter. I was so surprised but extremely thankful. I wasn't good at taking hate, and when I got hate I usually fed off of it and would fight back, but not on twitter of course. I was always a very sensitive person. I was also scrolling through my mentions to read one from Niall, "Well guys, it's official Bec is back and here to stay. What do you all say, twitcam later?" Well at least Niall was tweeting happy things again.

"So I guess you're doing a twitcam later?" I looked over at Niall who was cooking away on the stove.

"Pleassseee. C'mon the fans have been so nice!"

"I don't care but have fun with that I'm going on a run."

"Oh no you're not. You're doing this twitcam with me."

"Babe, I seriously haven't worked out in ages, cmon can't I join you once I'm back."

"No, cause I know you. You'll be gone for an hour running then see a frozen yogurt place, buy some, take your grand ol time, say you need a shower and by then it'll be tomorrow. So no. You're staying here."

"Well then, I didn't know you were the boss of me." I said sarcastically. We always liked joking around.

I tweeted to everyone from Niall's account saying, twitcam in 20, this way would could eat and get in something comfortable. I wasn't the best at being myself in front of complete strangers. I put on yet another pair of cropped, legging yoga pants and one of Niall's t-shirts. I wanted to be in something loose and comfy.

"Since you're forcing me against my will to do a twitcam with you, can you at least get me a cup of tea. Please with a cherry on top?" Pouting my lips and giving him the puppy dog eyes he gave in. It works every time with Niall.

He brought me over my cup of tea. As we both sat down, we opened the website and posted it on twitter. We were finally live.

"Hellllllo everyone! How are you all doin'? Whoa Babe look at all the viewers."

"Hi guys! Oh wow, we've already got 12,000. So you know what that means?"

"What's that?"

"We have to make this one they can't forget."

"Alright let's do it." Niall put on some music and we started taking some fans questions. We wanted to be open with the fans and have a good time. It was already 8:30 and I was starving and never had dinner like Niall did.

"I'll be right back guys, I need to get something to eat."

As I got up from the couch Niall immediately had a question for me, "Babe, wanna get me some food too? I'm staarrrving."

"Seriously? Alright that's fine."

"Oh and the fans wanna know who's a better cook?"

"Is that even a serious question? Me for sure. Please you can't even make toast."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Am I the one who got bacon on fire?" My face went immediately red.

"Alright guys, who do you think is a better cook me or Bec? Wait look at what everyone's saying. They want us to have a cook off."

"Fine, but know your ass is going down Horan. What do they want us to cook?"

"Uhm let's see, let me scroll through here. Alright some say pancakes, some say quesadillas, and some say chicken. You choose cause you know you're gonna lose. Haha I rhymed. I'm good."

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