Chapter 22

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Niall was still asleep on the couch. I planned on making him a big, gourmet breakfast with all of his favorites. I walked to the other side of the house to look in the kitchen to see what cooking supplies he had. There was of course nothing because Niall didn't know how to cook, or at least wasn't good at it. I should have known.

I looked all around for my luggage because I wasn't going out in last night's clothes. I couldn't find anything anywhere. I had to get another outfit I couldn't just live out of Niall's clothes. I checked my phone for a close by Victoria's Secret and luckily found one not too far away.

I grabbed my keys and sunglasses and drove to Victoria's secret to find a cute yet comfy outfit. I drove about 20 minutes to finally arrive to the store. It was huge. I knew that I would have to buy more than just one outfit. I ended up with 3 pairs of yoga pants with matching tank tops and a new set of a bra and underwear. I was such a weakling when it came to shopping. I always had to buy something.

After I checked out, I asked to use the dressing room to slip the outfit on because I was not planning on changing in my car in broad day light. I plugged in my GPS to see where the nearest food store was. The closest food store was about 5 miles away.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I grabbed a cart and rolled it in and down the aisles to search for something good to make. Of course, right as I walked in, bam, "What Makes You Beautiful" was blaring over the loud speakers. I giggled and went to the dairy section. I picked up some milk, eggs and then looked for the aisle containing pan cake mixes. I love cooking but I didn't know how to make pancake batter from scratch, I wasn't THAT good. I even grabbed two packs of bacon and a loaf of bread because I knew it was worth making a lot to feed that big ass appetite of his. That boy was NEVER full. That day will come and I will be here when it happens.

I checked my watch and it was already 10:00 I was hoping Niall wasn't up yet because I wanted to surprise him. I rushed home and as I walked into the door I could hear his snoring all the way down the hall. I was in the clear, the kitchen was all to myself.

Since Niall was a deep sleeper I decided to plug my phone into the iBase to listen to some music. I had a set playlist and was having quite the dance party. I had no problem dancing; I loved it and definitely missed taking classes. Anyways, as I was unpacking the groceries, my playlist came across I Won't Give Up, by Jason Mraz. Well that wasn't ironic or anything. It only made me feel motivated to really stay in it to win it. I couldn't help but sing along. Now singing, that was not my thing, I will leave that to Niall.

I went to the stove to heat it up and the fire ignited I sprayed the pan with Pam Spray so the pancakes wouldn't stick. I always hated when that happened. As I was making the pancake mix, Hummingbird Heartbeat came on by Katy Perry. I couldn't help but start dancing around the kitchen as I was mixing the bowl. I even started using the whisk as a microphone when I went to pour the pancakes into the pan. I know, I'm cool like that. Haha.

Next on my agenda was the bacon, I knew he could finish a pack alone. The grease from the bacon was splattering up left and right. I always got it on my shirt so I decided since I was alone to put on the sports bra I luckily forgot I bought from Victoria's secret. I didn't really care, I looked like I was about to take a yoga class and I didn't feel like ruining my new shirt.

While I was waiting for everything to continue to cook as I flipped the pancakes, Strip by Chris Brown came on. And boy was I a big member of Team Breezy. I couldn't help but do the dance I had learned from a friend. Whenever a good song came on, I couldn't hold myself back.

"Oh you took it off alright...." I heard a voice come from behind me as a yawn followed behind. I immediately froze. Shit, he caught me.

"Good morning... uhm, yeah what can I say I love to strip? It's liberating?"

"Oh, okay Harry. So what's for breakfast?" Niall said stretching his arms and scratching his head. Damn, did he still look hot after a long night on the couch.

"Pancakes and bacon and I was gonna make eggs too I didn't know how hungry you were."

"Sounds good to me, uhm, Bec you might wanna turn around."

"Why so you can look at me shake my ass again?" I sarcastically said as I couldn't hold back.

"No, Bec hurry up! The bacon is on fire!"

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