15. Only for you

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A/N trigger warning (again): suicide attempt

The moon shines bright tonight. The rain rolls down the windows and splashes in the puddles it already created. A boy is sitting alone on a bench. His body is lit up by the moonlight. Tears stream down his face. Dark circles form under his eyes. His eyes are swollen red and he hides his face in his hands. His shoulders start shaking as he starts to cry more. After five long minutes in the rain he stands up and walks away towards the grounds. I try to think of where he is going. Everything that is at that side of the grounds passes my mind. The forbidden forest, the quidditch pitch, Hagrid's home. My body freezes when I realize that the boy is probably going to the lake.

My legs start running harder than ever. Turning corners, down stairs and jumping through shortcuts. As I reach the wooden doors my speeds only increases on the grounds down to the lake. As I reach the lake I see two letters on the dry and Draco is walking to the middle of the lake. As I kick of my shoes he goes under. The next couple of minutes are one big blur. Thirty minutes later I'm in the hospital wing. Draco is still unconscious; I'm sitting next to his bed waiting for him to wake up.

One week later

A week has gone by and Draco hasn't woken up yet. The professors are worried about him, madam Pomfrey is worried about him and I definitely am worried about him. His parents have not showed up yet, I would have known, since I didn't leave his bedside. "Draco please wake up everyone is worried about you. We want to see you happy, to see you smile again" I stand up to get some food and kiss him on his forehead. "I will be back soon" I feel a hand grab my wrist. Draco opened his eyes. He whispered in a voice barely loud enough to hear "I woke up only for you".

A/N hello guys, sorry this is late again but i had no time to write last  weekend because my mom and dad had their birthdays. i hope you like this chapter anyways. if you do dont forget to comment or vote.

noelleWB out

I love you from A to Z (a Drarry one shot series)Where stories live. Discover now