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I woke up to the sound of Super Junior's Sorry Sorry.


Seungkwan came towards me, arms outstretched. He stopped and hugged me so tight that I couldn't almost breathe.

"Hey, slow down! You're choking me!", I told him, while taking his arms off of my chest.

"Jeonghan hyung said you came early this morning while we were asleep", he said, looking at me. "We only drank the coffee that you bought us just when we woke up".


I thought I was only dreaming. But when I heard his name, everything came back.


"By the way, hyung asked me to give you this", Seungkwan said, while giving me a big envelope with the name "JISOO" written on the back of it.

"Uhm, which hyung?", I slowly asked, starting to pray that it wasn't from Jeonghan.

Well, S.Coups, Jun, Wonwoo, Woozi were hyungs as well, so I was hoping that it came from anyone of them.. not Jeonghan, please.

"Who else do you think will give you something????", DK came in saying this with his loud voice.

"It's from Jeonghan-ie hyung", he finally said.

Just hearing his name made me feel the hurt inside me.

But it made me want to know more about Jeonghan and Minhyuk.

"Aren't you gonna open it hyung?", Seungkwan asked.

I looked up at him with questionable eyes.

"Why did you hide it from me?", I asked.

Seungkwan and DK froze.

And from there, I knew that they were about to apologize for hiding Jeonghan's relationship with Minhyuk.

"Don't apologize, just please tell me directly when and why Jeonghan started dating Minhyuk", I sternly told them.

Seungkwan was about to say something when S.Coups came in.

"I guess it's better if you go ask Jeonghan yourself", he calmly said. "He has been out of the house lately, going with MInhyuk, and we are unable to communicate with him properly as well", he continued.

"He started changing two months ago", DK added.

"Besides, he doesn't even want to talk about it", Seungkwan said.

"He doesn't want to talk about you, especially..", S.Coups said, grabbing my hands and cupping them towards his chest. "But I know that he has been hurting so bad ever since the day you left for Los Angeles".

I couldn't take it any longer.

I ran outside the room and across the hallway, with eyes following me from behind as I reached Jeonghan's room.

I was breathing heavily.

I tried to keep as calm as possible, even with my heart beating fast, and started placing my fisted hand on the door to knock.

Then the door suddenly opened.

And I found myself staring straight right into the eyes of an angel who has given me enough strength to live, but is now the reason of my weakness.

"Jisoo..............", Jeonghan whispered, looking at me who has stood frozen in front of him.

"Jisoo...", he again said my name. "Uhm, last night.. I wanted to......"..

I couldn't care less as to what he was about to say, for my heart was so full of grief that I know I was to burst already in front of him.

But he can't.. He must not..

Jeonghan must not know that I am already in love with him..

And so with one last final breath, I told him what I wanted to say to hide everything.

"CONGRATULATIONS, Yoon Jeonghan. You finally found yourself a man to take care of you. I wish you and Minhyuk all the happiness in life.", I told him right in his face.

Jeonghan stared at me. It was the first time I saw him stare at me like that.

Tears started falling down from his eyes.

I couldn't stare back, so I did what I always do whenever he would start crying. I enveloped him with my arms, and engulfed him in an embrace that I know would not last forever.

"I will always be here for you. No matter what happens.".

I took one last stare at him, and saw that he had been preventing himself from reciprocating the action that I did. His hands were clenched tight, but his expression wanted him to hug me back.

And as I slowly turned my back on him, I could hear his whispers.

"Jisoo"... I walked..


Where am I supposed to go?


My steps were leading me outside of the dorm.

I had my pajamas on, but I couldn't care less.


I sat down on the bench in front of our yard, stared silently at the sky which turned as gloomy as my mood was.

And as the rain drops slowly fell down from the lonely sky, my tears came along as well.

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