Part One

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It was late September, and whilst the leaves were falling down, the Autumn breeze gushing through the Brooklyn streets and the mundanes enjoying their weirdly named 'pumpkin spiced lattes', Alec was walking nervously around his room. Today's my first date with Magnus he thought. Our first date. Although Alec was very anxious, those three words made him crack a small smile. But that did not last very long. Alec quickly remembered about the date and started walking anxiously around his room again. Unlike Magnus, Alec was completely new to this. He had no clue on what to do for his first date, but he knew that he couldn't mess it up. Magnus meant too much to him.

After the wedding, Magnus and Alec started talking about their first date but before they knew it, Jace had gone with Valentine to protect him and the rest. After that, Alec's mind was fixated on finding Jace. However, out of all the people he would expect to talk to him, Clary had come and told him not to forget those who meant the world to him. And it hit him. Magnus. He had completely forgotten about him. The person that had been there for him, listened to every one of his problems without even saying a word about his own. Jace was now far from his mind. And before Alec knew it, he found himself rushing over to Magnus's place in the pouring rain that was hitting the streets. Once he had reached the apartment, he was drenched and shivering. But he didn't care. The only person on his mind right now was Magnus. However, he slightly hesitated before knocking on the door, but when he did, he knocked which such force he thought he might break it down. After just a few seconds of waiting, Alec heard footsteps approaching. And the louder the footsteps, the faster his heart was poudning. The door opened swiftly and behind it was a tall man, in colorful clothing, with swirling lines here and there. And on top of those clothes was a long gold necklace hanging around his neck. And of course, a cocktail in his hand. Magnus.

"Alec? What are you doing here?" Magnus stopped quickly to look at Alec's drenched gear and began to talk again, now with a worrying tone. "Alec, are you okay? Did you run in the rain to get here? It's pouring out there! You could have gotten terribly sick! Look, you need to get in here otherwise-"
But before he knew it, Alec had his arms around him, hugging him so tightly he almost couldn't breathe.
"Magnus, I'm so sorry." Alec said, his voice breaking. "All this time, my mind was only thinking about Jace, not about the person who listens to my problems every single night and comforts me, not about the person who lets me release my anger that I can never show to my family or friends, not about the person who loves me so dearly that they would listen to my never-ending complaints. Not about you."
A single tear went down Alec's cheek. Magnus felt it roll down on his shoulder. His arms hugged tighter onto Alec's body. It seemed like eternity until they finally let go of each other. Both their eyes were filled with tears. They stared at each other for some time before Magnus broke the silence.
"You came all the way here to say that to me?" Magnus asked quietly. Alec nodded gingerly.
"ALEC! Of course I want to listen to you. I love your voice, even when you're mad. I love just staring into your eyes, those deep blue eyes of yours. I love how you mock about what Clary or Isabelle said. I love you Alec, and I would do anything for you."Magnus said, smiling at Alec, with tears falling down his cheeks. Alec wiped away the tears with his thumb and Magnus smiled even more.
"I love you too Magnus." Alec said with such a loving tone another tear went down Magnus's face.
"You love me?" Magnus asked, his eyes widened.
"Yes, I do. I always have and I always will." Alec said quietly, with a slight smile. Magnus giggled, which hit Alec's soft spot and he himself began to laugh quietly. Magnus giggled some more and gave Alec a kiss on the cheek. As he was just about to turn around, Alec grabbed him and kissed him so passionately he thought he would fall. When they pulled apart, Alec looked at him lovingly and quietly said, "Now that's much better."

our first date | malecWhere stories live. Discover now