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“What plan? Explain things to me Yul”

“This has to be a se-“ before Yuri could say anything, someone interrupted her from the door

“Yuri unni has to act like she knows everything that’s happening. All in all she’s lying”

“Aish Seohyun-ah I said this is a secret. Why did you just say it like that?”

“Mianhae. I just can’t stop myself”

“Well, that’s it. Please don’t tell her. I can’t stand seeing her crying and suffering. Besides, I fell in love too. Help me cover up, help me remember the things we’d done the past days, weeks or months, help me please. Help me know much more things about her” Yuri pleaded

“That’s too much for a beg. . . What do you think? Should we help her?” Taeyeon asked

“Hmmm. . . I think we should. Just be sure you won’t let Jessica cry again or else I’ll kill you” Tiffany threatened

“We’ll help” Yoona and Seohyun said together

“You owe us Yul” Taeyeon smiled “We’re here to help. So what to do now?”

“Thank youuuuuuu very much!! I owe you a lot.” Yuri thanked “So first thing I wanna know is when I will be out of this hospital?”

“Hmm the doctor said you may go home now IF we could pay the bills earlier.”

“Does it cost that much? Withdraw some of my money from the bank, use that as the payment” Yuri offered

“No unni. I have my savings here so I’ll use it to pay for the bills. Wait here now as I pay for it. DON’T insist unni, okay?”

Yuri sighed in defeat “Okay”

“So Yuri unni, what do you plan to do next?” Seohyun asked as she opens the door to the driver’s seat of her car

Seohyun left the room to pay for the bills. Taeyeon, Yoona and Yuri doesn’t have anything to do but to wait for Seohyun’s comeback and inform them that Yuri may go out now.

Not so long after, Seohyun came back and told them that they may leave which brought out a big smile from Yuri

- - -

“So, what do you plan next unni?” Seohyun asked as she open the door to the driver’s seat of her car

“Where’s Jessica?” Yuri replied, not minding of answering Seohyun’s question

“Not answering my question~” Seohyun frowned

“I will if you answered mine first. How will I know my next move?”

“You have to know that my sister is annoying sometimes Yoona.” Seohyun whispered, Yoona chuckled

“Yah what did you tell her?”

“Jessica might be at home. . . I mean your house, to get her things”Tiffany answered after getting on her seat inside the car

“That answered my question” Yuri smiled

“Unni, if I drive, we may not get there in time”

“Who told you you’ll drive?” Yuri smirked “I’ll drive”

Seohyun passed the key to Yuri and entered to the opposite side. At the back of the car, Taeyeon, Yoona and Tiffany was a little bit scared of the thought that this might lead them to another car accident, but Yuri assured them their safety with a smile.

“Don’t worry. History doesn’t repeat itself in times like this” Yuri reassured


“Whatever Yuri is planning to do, I hope it’s not a stupid thing. . . again” Taeyeon thought as she look at Yuri paying close attention to the stop light, waiting for it to turn green

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