T a g ~ 5 random facts

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I was tagged by TheShyDorkyAuthor to list 5 random facts about myself.

I feel like I'll eventually start repeating myself. "I love books. I love piano blah blah blah"

So, eh, how about facts about emotions? Life? Heck if I know.

I'll just do it. (I swear I'm about to just create a stalker's guide to Petunia Paisely)

1. I'm the fourth child in my family. I have two older half brothers and an older sister. One brother is married and has four kids now. The other brother acts gay and makes cupcakes for fun. My sister likes to pretend she's emo, and does a very good job of it. Sadly, she's just a wannabe. So, basically, I'm Ichimatsu and I'm a terrible aunt called Satan by many precious people.

2. I've been writing things since I was seven years old. The first thing I ever "wrote" was a terrible story called "Theresa". I actually have it published on my account pastpetunia
At least my writing has improved a tiny bit. I hope.

3. I always listen to the Historia opening song before I go to sleep. It's like a lullaby to me. I made my sister listen to it and she said it sounded like a song someone would sing to summon a demon. It's no surprise that I love this song.

4. If it weren't for the Internet not working one night when I couldn't sleep, the Ichimatsu fanfiction "Loner" wouldn't exist. I started to write it out of pure loneliness and later decided to publish it here. For about a month, I left it alone, and one day, AGAIN, the Internet was refusing to work, so I began to just add to it. Then BAM, there came a waterfall of ideas for that terrible wreck of a fanfiction. I don't think it should even be called a fanfic, to be honest. It's so t e r r i b l e.

5. Final faaaaact~ My real name isn't Petunia, but most of you know that. My name actually "came to be" because I had (actually 'have', but whatever)  these two stuffed animals that I really liked. I got the first one a few years ago and named it Paisley. About a year later, I got another one and named it Petunia. Then, as I began to write in notebooks, Petunia Paisley became my character. And since then, I've just stuck with it despite how childish and fantasy like it sounds.


I'll just tag five people

I honestly don't care if they do it

I just wanna tag them


I think that's five
I'm too lazy to count

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