Alfie visits me and the news is a massive shock.

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Jacks POV
"Will you be my girlfriend" I ask and kind of stutter when I'm nervous I stutter quite a lot, there is a awkward silence "yeah, but I want things to go slow I don't want to fuck you and then you just leave me like Conor did I know I cheated on him with you but he cheated on me too and then he broke up with me once then came back fucked me and got back together then we split up again after he found out about me and you" she says to me "of course we'll do it only when your ready too" I smirk and she smiles, we finally reach the bottom we jump out of the carriage and I take her hand and we head home and sleep.

Alexa's POV

I wake up in my bed and I stretch then I look at my silver iPhone 6 that is on charge and it says Alfie is my bro. Alfie's messaged me at this early in the morning I've messaged me at like 5:30 am what the fuck Alfie.
I open my phone to go to the chat.
Alfie is my bro💖
Sorry it's early and such short notice, I'm sorry if I woke you, but I'm gonna have to come over I'll explain when I'm at yours xx💖😘👍🏻

Don't worry you never woke me, yeah sure come over I'm not doing anything today , I hope everything is okay bro xxx💙😉

I'll see you in like 30 minutes I'm in London now don't worry I'm not messaging whole I'm driving I'm asking Siri to do it for me lol xxx ❤️💖

Oh good well you have a key let yourself in I'm gonna take a shower and I have some news to tell you but you tell me what's up with you first I'm gonna go get ready love ya see you soon xxx

Yeah okay sure bye xxx❤️💖

Bye bro💖🙈

End of messages
"Morning" Jack smiles coming into my room "morning gorgeous, Alfie is in London today he's coming over something is wrong, so I'm gonna take a shower so yeah" I smirk "can I join you" Jack smirks and winks "join in with what" I laugh "the shower" he nods towards the shower, and I smirk "what do you say ehhhh, me, you the shower and our naked bodies close to each other" Jack winks "hurry because Alfie will be here in like 20 minutes" I laugh he runs to the bathroom "get dressed in my room with me" I say as he turns the shower in getting in the shower "yeah sure go get my clothes off my bed and put them on yours" Jack says letting water on too his hair I can't stop staring at how fit he looks and I can see his toga I literally can't stop staring I've had him in me like three times before but I just I don't know.
"Stop starting and get my clothes and hurry up and get in here" Jack laughs making me laugh I walk out my en suit and go to jacks room I grab his clothes, and walk back to my room pop them on my bed then walk back into my en suit I rip of my top and slide my shorts down and Jack is biting his soft beautiful lips he puts a hand out for me to grab "are you washing your hair" Jack asks "no I did that yesterday morning" I say and he nods he pulls me closer to him and his piece is resting against my front and he smirks and kisses me "we can't" I pull away "why" he sighs "because I wanna take things slow and you haven't got a condom and Alfie is here in like 15 minutes" I laugh "true maybe next time" he winks he gets a sponge and puts my favourite shower gel on it and he's washing my body for me he starts from my ankles and comes up i can feel his breath on my front he pulls the sponge up my leg and past my vagina making me moan a little and he chuckles then he repeats that but on my other leg he then grabs under my arse lifting me up I wrap my legs around his torso and he slips to fingers into me making me moan really load he picks up the pace "fuck that'sssss sooo niceeeee" I said in pleasure and he smirks he pulls his fingers out of me and sniffs them, I know dirty right he winks at me and licks it, "mmmm" he says after he's licked it he puts me down and winks he then gets washed and waits for me I put more shower gel on and I'm about to start to clean my vagina "wait. Let me do that" Jack says I pass him the sponge and I separate my legs and he starts washing me.
We jump out the shower and Jack is ready before me before he leaves my room when I've just finished doing my makeup he kissing my lips "that shower was amazing what about we do that again tonight" he whispers into my ear "sounds like a plan" I smirk "I know right" he winks then walks out I grab my clothes and drop my towel that was tied around me and I put on this

I walk out my room to find Alfie sat on the sofa crying with Jack bro hugging him "Alfie what's up" I say and walk over to him and hug him "it's Zo, Zoe" he stutters "why what's happened" I say "she cheated on me" he cries "oh Alfie I'm so sorry w...

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I walk out my room to find Alfie sat on the sofa crying with Jack bro hugging him "Alfie what's up" I say and walk over to him and hug him "it's Zo, Zoe" he stutters "why what's happened" I say "she cheated on me" he cries "oh Alfie I'm so sorry who with" I say rubbing his back "oh god don't say it was Conor" Jack sighed and Alfie didn't say anything "he was getting you back wasn't he for what you said to Jack to do with me when I was with Conor" I said and Alfie nodded "awe Alfie I'm sorry bro" Jack said bro hugging him again, "the thing that pisses me off Zoe can't remember she went on a night out with Louise and Conor was magically there Zoe was smashed because she made a video saying nelson Mandela was in that club, and he can't obviously be there he's in South Africa, then she started saying stuff like all African animals are going to invade the club like that's how smashed she was, and Conor said he wasn't even drunk and he fucked her on purpose, so I punched him and Zoe came running downstairs and saw Conor laid on the floor and she was like Alfie, what you done that for and she went to help him and I went he fucked you that night you went out with Louise and you said stuff about nelson Mandela and the African wildlife invasion and she was like no he never and I went ask him and he nodded and she broke down in tears, then I ran out the house crying, her calling after me and I drove here" Alfie cried "awe Alfie he is a bastard wait till Joe finds out he took advantage of her" I said getting angry "babe calm down me and Joe will sort this" Jack says to me "babe? what's going on here" Alfie laughed "ha we are together" Jack laughed "congrats I'm so happy for you two she deserves someone like you good looking really nice to her and will treat her like a princess" Alfie smiles "don't worry I'll look after her she's my world" Jack smirks.
"What about we order pizza and cuddle" I smile at the boys "yeah sure" Alfie says "yeah why not" Jack says "okay we'll also watch a movie, but I have to sit in the middle of my two favourite boys in the world" I laugh "your our favourite girl in the world especially my favourite" Jack winks at me and Alfie say "ew get a room and Jack don't touch my sister" Alfie said seriously but I knew he was joking he always does it with my boyfriends "she can't touch me either" Jack winks "Jack I mean it bro if you ever touch her when I say touch her I mean finger her your dead" Alfie says seriously and Jack gulps "Ermmm.." Jack begins to stutter then Alfie and I burst into fits of laughter "you dicks" Jack laughs shaking his head, "I'm only joking I know you've already fingered her it's obvious" Alfie laughed then Jack goes red "Alfie shut up your embarrassing him" I laughed "yeah but he obviously has I mean like your gorgeous and Jack can never keep his hands off of gorgeous girls" Alfie laughs "I do know Alfie he's been my best friend for nearly 17 years" I laugh and Alfie nods "I haven't had serious relationships ever I'll date someone but never even touch them and you both know that like Lexa your different" Jack says looking at me "oh okay god guys can we stop talking about fingering and order some pizza" I laugh awkwardly "yeah okay" Jack and Alfie laughs "and you, you little shit you brought all this fingering up you can order the pizza Jack and I always share so just get a plain cheese pizza and then whatever you want" I laugh chucking him his phone off of the coffee table and he sighs then laughs.

We have finished eating our pizza and are now watching 22 jump street.
"I'm gonna head back to Brighton" Alfie states getting up "no it's fine you can stay here" I smile at him "no Zoe has gone to Wiltshire so I'm free to go home Joe said he's going over there and having a serious word with her and he said she'll be back home in two days" Alfie says and I nod "okay bro I love you" I say standing up "I love you too muffin" Alfie hugs me "bye bro" Alfie says to Jack and 'bro hugs' him "bye" Jack returns the hug.
Alfie has always liked Jack more than Conor and I don't know why I'll text him later about it. He's always helped Jack with everything with girls and with me and just family stuff he's going through but Conor and Alfie once had a fight because of what happened with me and Conor when we was seventeen.
Jack and I cuddled on the sofa and later on had a shower and a repeat of this morning happened.
Then someone barges in our bedroom door.
"WHAT THE FUCK" he shouts
"GET OUT" Jack shouts he's getting really angry

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