Back to Brighton to see Zoe and Alfie & Alfie got me a specieal present

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I'm on my way to Zoe's house today. Yes I'm going back to Brighton I was only there last week but Zoe and Alfie was on holiday so I couldn't see them "Jack I'm going to see Zoe and I'm staying there I'm coming home tomorrow" I shout through the house "wait there" he shouts back he comes running down the stairs with only sweatpants (joggers) on "what" I laugh at him "bye" he smiled and hugged me "are you going all alone" asks Jack "no I'm going to pick up Joe and Caspar then we are heading to Brighton" I smile at him "okay I love you" he says and blushes a little and he looks down to the floor "of course you do see ya" I giggle and walk out the apartment I hear Jack mumble something but I couldn't be bothered to ask what he said I hate it how I have to drive to two different apartments to pick Joe and Caspar up I hate them not living together no more because they was the ones I drove around the most and I bet your wondering why cant they go in their own cars it's because they was being lazy and didn't want to drive and Caspar said it would be fun to be in a car all together and talk and sing and just have a laugh. He was correct.

I've already picked Caspar up so he has the passenger seat. I'm just pulling up outside joes and he opens the block door and walks over "hurry Joe" Caspar says he walks a little faster and opens the back door and jumps in "drake" Caspar asked "yeah" me and Joe said in sync

We've arrived at Zoe's and we are just sat on the sofa randomly chatting "here keep cuddling Alan and I'll take a pic" Joe smiles "Joe it's Nala you dick" Zoe laughs "okay then Alan it is" Joe giggles making me laugh I pose with Nala and he sends me the pic I post it on Twitter and Jack is raged comment 'I can't decide who's prettier 😍❤️😏' that comment made me giggle I replied to it 'obviously me 😍😍🙈❤️' I lock my phone then I get messages of loads of people that stupid group chat.

Caspar- (picture attached) I thought kittens and dogs didn't like each other

Jack- I miss you Alexa baby xx

Me- I'm home tomorrow xx

Conor- why are you in Brighton, AGAIN xx

Me- I'm with Joe and Caspar we came to see Zoe and Alfie xx

Conor- oh okay


Caspar- I knew he'd react like that hahahha

Me- Oli, it's a group chat bro

Jack- it's we're more than two people can talk on a thread 😆😏😏

Mikey- corrrr look at Randy getting all sassy

Jack- that's me Randyyyyy

Conor- a playa that's what you are

Jack- your the player why does everyone think bad of me I'm not a bad person

Me- I don't think your a bad person Jack xxxx

Jack- at least someone loves me xxx miss ya babe

Me- I miss you more what about a late night face time call ayyyyyy xx

Jack- yeah sure looking forward to seeing your beautiful face again cx

Me- can't wait to see your face again guess what I had today Jack xxx

Jack- what did you have baby girl xxx

Me- Joe bought me Starbucks and Caspar said he's getting me one tomorrow and I was still drinking my Starbucks when I walked in Zoe's and there was a large Starbucks on the table and it said Alexa on the cup and there was a little note stuck to it saying 'To Alexa sorry I'm not in too see you till a bit later so I'll see you in a couple of hours I've missed you so much, can't wait to catch up and I bought you your favourite Starbucks enjoy, oh and don't let Caspar or Joe steal any it's for you and only you and don't let them pick on you or they'll have me to deal with' hahahahaha I was like awe xxx

Jack- OMG that's so sweet xx

Me- I know xx

Conor- did he actually do that for ya xxx

Me- yeah Zoe was like oh I see you've found your little present from Alfie and I was like yeah xx

Conor- awe he's a nice guy xx

Me- yeah, Zoe's lucky to have someone as caring I wish I had a boyfriend who was like that xx

Jack- woooo pick me pick me I wanna treat you like that xx

Me- hahahha don't be stupid xx

Jack- 😌😏😏

End of chat

The front door opens "I'm home" Alfie shouts "Alfie" I shout and run up to him with my Starbucks in hand "SISTER.oh I see you've found your little present" Alfie chuckles "oh yeah try a bit" I laugh he try's a bit "that's really good" he smiles "I know right" I laugh and we walk into the room and sit down of your wondering yes Alfie and I always drink out of the same cup/bottle coz we are brothers and sisters. me and Jack share drinks so do me and Caspar and Joe me and Conor have done it before.
We all settle down film a few videos and watch loads of horror films and just joke around all night scaring each other to put in our vlogs and snapchat Twitter and Instagram.
Jack and I was messaging each other all night until I was in bed then we facetimed.

It's not worth it (Jack Maynard fan-fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora