Dear Blakie❤

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Blakie, I love you
You have saved my life multiple times and I can't thank you enough for it, staying was the best decision ever bc I got to have you
I'm more than terrified of losing you to anyone or anything, whether it's suicide or a person
If I ever lose you I'll probably lose myself bc you made me feel like it was okay to be myself so without you I probably won't even be myself anymore
*Becomes scared of getting to clingy*
You're the love of my life honestly bc without you I actually wouldn't have a life
Thank you for letting me be me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for not judging me
Thank you for saving me
Thank you for encouraging me to stop cutting and start eating
Thank you for being everything I've ever dreamed of wanting
And thank you for staying
I love you Blakie
Never leave me

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