ew gross pls nu

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Sooo im going to a new school ;-; and I'm gonna get shit from new people ;-; gonna get close to killed by new people ;-; gonna get forced to do things from new teachers ;-; gonna have to talk to new people and teachers because people don't fucking understand when I write that I'm mute -_- like -.- if you take a remote and press the mute button, then the Tv will be mute, quiet. Well, my mom muted me :D ;n; but I do talk on occasion, my voice is just gross because i have a German accent ;-;ew and my voice comes out Raspy since (other than Everytime I talk to Tyler which isn't actually often) its been about 5-7 years since I spoke in full sentences...yikes ;-; so this will be fun :D (kill me now please like pretty please like fucking now pplleeaasseee)

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