Chapter 23: Annihilation

Start from the beginning

“It is not pretty.” He warned, before he showed the camera footage on the big screen.

The video showed debris scattered in orbit above a blue Planet. Bits and pieces of hives and mosquitoes were everywhere.

A leg hit the camera. The camera turned and showed horribly wounded vamps drifting miserably in space, not being able to heal themselves because they couldn’t feed.

I closed my eyes. This was worse than I expected. It seems that they destroyed the entire fleet.

I studied the images for signs of Zea’s hive. At the end of the video, a part of its name drifted by.


I put my head in my hands.

“She might have escaped in a mosquito.” Gerald added.

“Look at the images, I see mosquito parts everywhere.”

One of the cameras caught part of a white cubical shape, after which the video images stopped abruptly.

“Our scouts didn’t return. We received these images over long-range communication and then our link broke completely. I am afraid that they were destroyed.”

We went over some details in the footage and studied the part of the alien ship that was on it just before the camera’s went blank.

They completely obliterated the fleet in what must have been just a few minutes.

I wondered how the f*ck I was going to get us out of this mess.

Normally I would say excessive violence but that was clearly not going to work this time. We were outnumbered and outgunned.

I rubbed my face.  There was only one tactic left. Guerrilla.

“Okay. Zed, please create a strike unit of our strongest soldiers and scatter them across the planet. Instruct them to sit this one out. We meet each other exactly one month after the enemy has taken over control of the planet. We’ll meet at my old place.”

Zed looks at Gerald who mouthed The Witches House.

We hear a ping and the screen switches to a different camera.

It shows a fleet of shiny white cubes against a star-striped background flying towards us. No windows, no doors, no seams. Only shiny white polished surface.

They look terrifying.

“How much time do we have?”

“Two hours and 40 minutes.”

“We will make a defence plan while Gerald contacts the members of the strike squad and informs them of their mission. In two hours we will all leave in mosquitoes, hide among humans on Earth, as far from each other as possible and wait for the enemy to relax. We will meet at my house and plan a kill for whomever of whatever is leading this invasion. We will show them our fangs.”

The vamps nod enthusiastically. Zed gives Gerald a list of names and he leaves to contact them.

“Okay, two and a half hours left. Gentlemen and gentlewomen, let’s give them a something on which they break their teeth.”


We are softly floating in space and waiting,

They should be here anytime.

“My queen, is it wise to stay put? Shouldn’t we be hiding like the others?” Gerald asked worriedly.

“I want to see them with my own eyes.”

“But what if they see us?”

“We’ll run like hell. We are just within reach for the sensors, so we’ll have a head start.”

“I don’t like it. We are taking too much of a chance.” He whines.

I turned and caught him by the throat.

“Are you questioning me, Gerald?” I asked quietly,

Fear passed his eyes. “No my Queen. Forgive me.”

I released him and turned back to the screens.

Something popped up and I switched to the camera footage supplied by the station.

Well hello shiny white cube.

The other 49 dropped out of hyperspace.

They surrounded the station, but staying in the same formation. When they were in position they created some sort of iridescent hexagonal net and released it.

It shrunk and its lines cut through the station.

It fell apart in hundreds of evenly spaced chunks. Vamps were floating out screaming.

The cubes fired on everything that moved.

I closed my eyes; the whole thing lasted for only a few seconds.

I turned the mosquito and we fled towards Earth.

When we entered the atmosphere we received a transmission.

A massive smurf appeared and grinned like a madman, showing a set of huge metal fangs that reflected the artificial lamplight.

Holy sh*t. That smurf was creepy.

“Beings of Earth. I am Ryklys, king of Roke Territories. I am of the Plesruny, the ruling race of Roke You have provoked us by attacking our home planet. In retaliation we will invade you and make you one of our colonies. We will give you 24 hours to surrender. If not we will do exactly the same to your planet as we did to your miserable little space station. Let this be a warning.”

The camera switched to a video of the destruction and ended with a radio frequency on which they had to broadcast their response.

After a few minutes it switched to a countdown clock.

I landed the mosquito in a remote area in France and we managed to find a hotel in a small village with sufficient inhabitants for a month. The accommodation was not as luxurious as I got used to during the past decades, but beggars can’t be choosers. And the food was delicious.

As expected, every Earth race surrendered within the 24 hours that he had given them. Even the demons in the formerly called Vampire Dimension pledge their alliance to him. Disloyal little b*stards.

Only the vampires did not respond, probably because most of us were wiped out.

This displeased him, but the other races were able to convince him that what remained of us was not strong enough to cause trouble.

They were right. We weren’t. But they assumed that I had been on the station. They did not know that the strongest of all was still alive and determined to kill the blue bastard.

We laid low for a month, following the news and browsing the Internet obsessively, trying to pinpoint the location of this so-called king.

Nobody can defend himself against one madwoman that is determined to kill you.

I would strike him down when he was least expecting it.

I had nothing left to lose. Most of us were gone. Zea was gone.

It would not restore our power or save our race, but God, it would be satisfying to rip out his arrogant little throat.

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