Chapter 1 - Hired!

Start from the beginning

"That's Bonner. What kind of agent?"

"Aw, come on! You gotta know about us. We're the top entertainment artist representation firm in the galaxy. We've got dozens of stars, from video, to music, to literary, to... Well, you name it, we represent it."

"I see. I prefer more classic fare than the latest thing."

"Oh, well, too bad, Mr. Banner. Say, can I call ya Jakie?"


"Thanks, Jakie. You see, I have this problem."


"Right now I'm working for Evangelyne Martini. You heard of her? She's great! This kid can sing, act, dance. She'll be the next great pop sensation."

"Aren't they all?"

"She's about to go on her first live performance tour. We need someone who can get her from show to show."

"Why doesn't she just tour with the band?"

"Aw, c'mon, Jakie. Talent never slums with the hired help. Besides, the media will be all over the main tour ship. It'd be much easier to control access if she's on another ship." Sid glanced around the room. "The look is okay. Evvie could do her interviews from here."


Sid raised his hands. "Strictly over the air stuff. You won't have to worry about anyone boarding."

"Okay. So all I have to do is get this 'Evvie' from one show to the next. For how long?"

"Well, we're still booking shows, but no more than three standard months. Three and a half at the most."

"And it will be just her? No family?"

"Her folks have split up again. It'd be bad to have either one, and if they both come they'll be fighting. Evvie doesn't need that, not on her first tour."

"No friends? No entourage?"

"Her friends will meet her at some of the gigs, but they can't drop their lives for three months. And we've got a directive from top brass to keep costs down on this first tour. Anything else?"


"You available?"

Sid's offer wasn't quite what Jake was expecting. But the spacer knew money when he saw it, so he decided to see if there would be real pay or hot air. His face became a mask of worry. "I don't know. I've got heavy debts to Questor. They aren't letting me leave."

"Hey, no problem!" Sid yanked out a small black box from a pocket. He pulled an ear plug from it, put it in his ear, and tapped a button on the box. "Hey, Nancy? Sid here. I got a fella who can help us with Evvie, but he's got some high-grav debt. Name? What was that name again?"

"Jake. Bonner."

"Jake Bonner, Nans. Huh. Hold on." He turned to Jake. "We'll bail you out, Jakie, but I need to get your okay on the legal stuff."


Sid disconnected the earpiece from his perscomp, tapped the screen a few times, then handed it to Jake. "Okay, that one is the independent contractor agreement spelling out the terms we've discussed. You're familiar with those, right?"

"No problem. Odin?"

"Who's Odin?"

"My ship's computer. Odin?"

"Scanning the contract, Jake. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Wow," Sid said, "that's some computer. He available for license?"

"No," Jake answered. He scrolled to the end of the digital contract and signed the screen on the "dotted line." He started to hand the device back to Sid when Sid pointed to it.

"The next one is nondisclosure agreement covering the tour."

"Fine." Jake signed.

"Next is a nondisclosure about any songs Evvie composes, in part or in full, while she's on board your ship."

Jake signed.

"After that is the guarantee that you have insurance. Then you need to sign the insurance claim waivers for claims against us, from losses to acts beyond our control, and from losses you might incur while you work for us but aren't related to said work."

"Is that it?"

"No. Now you need to sign the agreement that you won't try to harm Evvie physically or mentally. Then you have to agree not to sell any information you gather about Evvie while working for us for a period of at least five years. We also need you to agree not to allow unauthorized media access to Evvie. Oh, we'll download the interview schedule. We also need you to agree not to allow any personal access to Evvie without getting our approval."

"Fine. Anything else?"

"Yeah. That last one is your agreement not to work for any other celebrity not represented by my firm while you work for us. You'll note that we reserve the right to request your services for celebrities that we do manage while under contract for us. Don't worry, there's no renewal option."

Jake signed the final contract. He handed the device to Sid. "Odin," he asked, "have I signed my life away?"

"Every contract was fair and ethical."

"Thank you."

"Yeah, thanks, Jake." Sid reattached the earpiece to the machine and tapped the screen twice. "Nancy? Okay, authorize payment on those debts. Done? Okay, kiddo, thanks. Be in touch." He took out the plug and put the communicator back in his pocket. "There, Jakie, all taken care of."

"Thanks. When do we start?"

"I'll download all the relevant data to you, then bring Evvie over." Sid grabbed Jake's hand and shook it again. "It'll be great working with ya, Jakie."

As soon as the agent was gone Odin said, "Happy to have been of assistance, Jake. Oh, by the way, Antioch Two appears to be a late stop on Miss Martini's tour."

"Interesting coincidence. That is a coincidence, right, Odin?"

"I would never do anything that underhanded. As it happens, the leader of Antioch Two is a fan of Miss Martini."

Jake shook his head. "I hate him already," he said.

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