Chloes forgiveness

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Marinette got knocked out by Chloe. (Adrien was not in school because he had important business to do). Chloe said that she was useless without Adrien she really wanted him to come, but he can only visit as Chat when he is on break or Akuma attack. School started for some reason Alya was late she was actually looking for Marinette. Then she did not get in trouble because the teacher had a bigger issue with Chloe and Marinette. Alya asked Nino what happened and he explained that Chloe was fighting with Marinette because she was with Adrien and since he wasn't here she can do anything to her. Marinette had a bruise on her cheek. Alya ran to Marinette and said that if she was okay and Marinette said she was alright. Chloe got suspended for a week and this time her farther was angry with her and grounded her.

An Akuma attacked and everyone in the school had to go. Marinette transformed, but she was still injured. Chat came late and after they finished fighting the Akuma, chat saw Ladybug bruise and said what happened, but ladybug sighed and went back to her house. Chat was confused.

The next day, Marinette was upset and everyone tried to cheer her up. Adrien walked in and saw bruises on hand and a scratch near her eye, of course he couldn't see before because she was wearing a mask. Adrien ran up to her and said that he wanted to talk to Marinette in private. Everyone was worried and saw Adrien taking her to the locker room. Adrien said what was wrong, but Marinette never said anything. Them Tikki popped out and said that Chloe has been torturing her when he was gone. He got really angry and said that Chloe better be punished. Marinette said that she didn't want him to know because he will sort everything when she wants to sort it herself. Adrien said that he was really worried after the Akuma fight. She hugged Adrien and said not to leave her anymore because she was lost without him. Adrien said that he would never do that anymore.

After when Chloe came, she went up to Adrien and said that if he missed her. Adrien clutched his fist and said no. Marinette came to him and said not to be angry. Chloe was upset and said she doesn't need him because she has so many friends with her. When she went to Sabrina she was shocked that she doesn't want to be friends with her because Marinette was hurt really bad. After school, everyone went up to Marinette and was smiling. Chloe was left out and she was really upset she didn't even care about anyone but herself. She went home and said to a chef to make a cake and to write sorry. Then she went to her room and wrapped a present and wrote a card saying sorry. (Yeah yeah I need to make Chloe have a heart and if the producers can't do it I can I know I'm not a fan of Chloe but it is sad to see Chloe be mean she is like the next hawk moth or is she working for hawk moth🙀 oh well carry on)

She went to Marinette's house and said that she was sorry. Marinette took her to her room and her parent were still mad. Chloe gave her the cake and they shared the cake and enjoyed. Chloe gave her a gift it was a ladybug necklace and she said sorry a lot of times. Then Marinette said it was ok and she forgave her. Chloe said that she was jealous that Adrien liked Marinette and not her. A text came from Marinette's phone and it was from Adrien and he said if she okay and if he should drop by Marinette said that she was busy and she will talk to him in school. Chloe said that she had to go because she didn't tell her dad she went and she had homework to do. Marinette smiled and said that she was okay with Chloe.

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