“Shut up!” I yelled in anger.

“How could you Arrow?” I was beyond hysterics trying to fit the puzzle together. He was working behind my back all this time and I didn’t even realise it. How could I be so stupid?

“Scar, Scar...” He laughed like he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. I turned to get another weapon when he forcibly grabbed my arms and flung them behind my back, holding them there.

“Good one Scarlett. Tribute lesson 101, never turn your back to an opponent” he whispered from behind me, his lips so close to my neck that it sent shock waves down my entire body.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip but apparently someone has been going to the gym lately.

“Let me go!” I yelled desperately. Why would he keep me alive until the very end just to kill me? Who does that? What did he want from me?  

I leaped high into the air kicking my legs but he only pulled my back closer towards him.

I immediately went rigid and I felt his cool breath behind my neck and his lips tracing up and down my neck.

“I didn’t kill Bloom because there’s four tributes left in the arena”

I tried to wiggle out of his grip trying to send a few more kicks to his chins.

“Stop it, just listen. Think about it” he continued calmly, tracing his fingers up and down my arm, attempting to relax me.

“If Bloom got Philip to join her alliance… Then she would no doubt go looking for Tuckett too. She wants to win Scar, she’s either going to kill him or use him as an errand boy”

He let go of my arms with a little bit of force and I turned around to face him.

“Let her do it. She’ll kill him for us, then all we need to worry about it killing her”.

Tears were still streaming from my eyes mainly because I didn’t know how to stop them. I smiled weakly at him as he grabbed my right hand and kissed it.

“I couldn’t do that to you, Scar. Since day one I have always wanted to be in an alliance with you.”

I looked into his beautiful green eyes and for the first time ever, I actually believed him. I felt my body calming but my heart was still pumping faster than it ever had before. I remember catching butterflies as a kid and then putting them in jars. My heart must be mimicking those butterflies, because it was fluttering everywhere inside my chest threatening to go absolutely wild.

“I didn’t even think I would have survived the first day of the hunger games without you” I admitted honestly, remembering back to the first ten minutes of the games. He had killed someone in order to protect me, how did I forget?

“I wasn’t talking about day one of the hunger games. I meant the first day I ever saw you. You were riding your parent’s horse through the fields yelling at She-Devil for chasing you. The light hit you and I don’t know… From then on I knew I wanted to be around you” he laughed a little

“Even if I was annoying you” It made me laugh too. Arrow was good at that.

I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted my chin up to his and I could feel our noses almost touching. I felt the warmth of his breath gently brushing the top of my lip and I could feel a dimly lit flame begin to ignite. Then finally, as we breathed each other in, I parted my mouth and was met with burning lips. I had no idea how much I wanted his kiss until this moment. Our kiss was cool and calm, yet fiery and passionate. It was when I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip I realised our kiss was a crowd, roaring in deafening silence. Our kiss was the world, in a game that could take all of that away. Our sweet kiss was a fleeting tragedy, splitting seconds into forever.  

“Now” He murmured between small kisses.

 “The question is how could you?”

I looked up at him in despair, mainly because I couldn’t feel his lips on me anymore. He chuckled a little and continued to kiss my nose, cheek, eyelids and finally up and down my neck.

“How could you be so foolish Scar? I’ve loved you since day one”.


We were lying in the doorway of the cornucopia next to Trouble looking at the stars. We knew they weren’t real, but it was nice to pretend. Sometimes the game makers would simulate a shooting star for us too.

“So what? We’re just waiting here like sitting ducks for Tuckett to die?”

“Pretty much” Arrow agreed.

“But what if he joins an alliance with Bloom?”

“Then I don’t know” he said while shifting his sleeping position. It was obvious he hadn’t thought of that possibility yet.

“Do we kill him?” I asked quietly.

“No need to kill me” I jumped up and saw Tuckett standing there. He had a tall dark frame with very broad shoulders. I barely remember him during the training but someone told me his reaping was really popular. Avery said he volunteered for someone, but she never said who and I always forgot to ask.

Trouble was neighing in alarm and standing in front of me trying to protect me, meanwhile Arrow had already thrown a knife directly at Tuckett. He simply stood to the side and deflected it.

“Peace. I want an alliance”


- Happy birthday Animala7! She sent me a message asking me to upload for her birthday but I'm busy tomorrow so I'm uploading now! It was actually the most adorable Wattpad message I've ever recieved, so I decided I had to write something for her to read :D Happy birthday :) hehe also, homg right? Who is Tuckett? Like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat, is he good or evil? :O Btw guys, only two more chapters left - what's going to happen? :O

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