Chapter 21: Invitations and Shocking Decisions!

Start from the beginning

As Tadase and Kairi left, Amu went to the gardens and started to think to herself. No Ikuto, no Utau, not even Yoru, and no friends….

"A ball is coming up, and I don't know how long I have here….after I leave, where am I supposed to go? The others offered, but I don't want to trouble them…what am I going to do now…" Amu sighed as these thoughts were running through her head. But she was right. After everything that's happened, she can't stay here forever, but…what's her next move?

Meanwhile with Utau

Utau was out with Yukairi handing out the invitations. She didn't bother handing them to people she didn't know, so she let Yukairi do that. But then again, they soon made a stop at the Fujisaki household. Utau went out of the carriage and rang the bell of the huge house.

Temari was the one who answered the door. She was shocked to see Utau standing there, she bowed politely and asked "Utau-hime, what brings you here?"

"I came here to give you an invitation Fujisaki-san." Stated Utau "It's for our upcoming ball, and I'd like it if you'd be able to come."

"The ball?" asked Temari in shock.

"Yes, it will be held at least a week from now." Said Utau with a smile "I'd like you to invite Rhythm and Yaya-san as well."

"Oh…well it's an honor to receive this invitation Utau-hime, but why so suddenly if I may ask." Asked Temari.

"I was planning to invite Nagihiko as well." Said Utau with a smile "And I'd like it if you could come too."

Temari gave Utau a warm smile and spoke "I am honored that you've invited us, but that would still depend. I'm afraid I'm not sure if I can attend. One of us might, but not all, I'm afraid so."

"I see." Replied Utau.

"Please don't take this the wrong way. It has nothing to do with you. You have treated my family so well, I wanted to thank you. But someone has to stay here…we need to take care of her." Said Temari, she knew that Utau knows what she's talking about.

"Oh…I almost forgot about that…" stated Utau. "Ami…"

"That's right. I don't want to leave her here alone. If I can't go, I'll tell Yaya-chan to go okay?" said Temari with a smile.

"Alright. Thank you, and I'm sorry to have disturbed you today." Said Utau with a smile.

"No, it's not your fault, I also want to apologize if I won't be able to attend." Said Temari.

"It's quite alright. Thank you again for your time today." Said Utau and she began to walk off.

"Wait Utau-hime…" stated Temari.

"Yes?" asked Utau as she turned around to face Temari once again.

"If you happen to really see Nagi today….can you kindly tell him that I want to see him soon and he's missed here?" asked Temari kindly.

Utau smiled warmly at her and replied "Of course, that won't be a problem. I'd be happy to."

"Thank you." Replied Temari. And with that said, Temari smiled one last time before closing the doors to her humble home….

Utau walked back into the carriage. She sat there waiting for them to get to their next destination….the Souma household…

Kukai was with Daichi inside the restaurant. They wee thinking about closing the shop again today, because they wanted to head over to the mansion to visit everyone else since the Yamaukis would be back.

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