With her head held high, they left the cocoon that was her room and descended down the stairs, into the belly of the beast. The confrontation between the two had made her feel better, not like she was making a mistake. As they pushed on the doors, she could hear a soft and gentle piece of music playing, something that seemed familiar yet so different.

She emerged from the covers, her eyes falling on Oberyn who was stood at the front, his eyes glimmering at the sight of his alluring soon-to-be wife. He was dressed in a golden robe, golden suns embroidered on over the material. The gold being in more of a pattern while the background was a burnt yellow. It fell past his knees, so only his tanned boots were shown. She thought he looked like a vision, his dark hair and olive skin contrasting beautifully against the colours of his robe.

Rosie walked up with Daario, who then departed as they reached the front, standing off to the side to watch his Queen. She deserved more than this, he bitterly thought, she deserved a wedding to be remembered.

She was cloaked in a Targaryen Robe, the red dragons against a black field. She dared a glance at Oberyn from the side, his face already forming a cheeky grin, a cloak in his own arms. The Septon motioning for the removal of hers.

"You may now cloak the bride, and bring her under your protection."

Oberyn tugged it away, letting it fall to the floor in a heap, and whipped out his own. It was black, the Martell sun taking center stage, a red dragon with three heads inside of the circle. He pulled it around her shoulders, letting her almost snuggle down into it.

"Your Grace, Your Grace," He spoke to Rosaerys and Oberyn first, before turning to the crowd. "My lords, my ladies, we stand here in the sight of Gods and men to witness the union of man and wife."

Their hands locked onto each other, the Septon beginning to tie their hands.

"Let it be known that Rosaerys of House Targaryen, and Oberyn of the House Nymeros Martell are one heart and flesh, one soul, cursed be he who seek to tear them asunder!" Oberyn turned to the crowd.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love." Oberyn turned back before pulling Rosie to him, smiles on both of their faces. As they pressed their lips together, the crowd clapped. It was done. They were married in the eyes of the Westerosi laws. However, this wasn't her religion, and this was only the first part of their wedding ceremony.

The High Red Priestess, Kinvara stepped out from the side, a soft grin on her face as she approached the Queen and her future King. She was a small woman, clad in a deep burgundy dress, a choker wound tight around her neck; dimples either side of her cheeks. She was awfully young, although older than Rosaerys.

"R'hllor," She began, the flames either side of her beginning to twirl in the same motion of her arms; "You are the light in our eyes,the fire in our hearts, the heat in our loins. Yours is the sun that warms our days, Yours the stars that guardus in the dark of night"

"All praise R'hllor, the Lord of Light," The few guests that were familiar with the religion spoke back; Oberyn, Rosaerys, and the Sand Snakes included, even Doran joined in, as did his children.

"The night is dark and filled with terrors," Kinvara almost sang her words, still moving with the flame. "Alone we are born and alone we die,but as we walk through this black vale we draw strength from one another, and from you, our lord." It was as though the wind of the North had snaked through their hall, ruffling the sleeves and hem of Kinvara's dress. "Two come forth today to join their lives, so theymay face this world's darkness together. Fill their hearts with fire, my lord, so they may walk your shiningpath hand in hand forever."

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