11 - You're Oikawa's nobody.

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The next day at school.

You rolled your own wheelchair to your class and just wait there.

"Hey, how are you? Are you okay now?" 2 of your best friends appeared and asked for your condition.

"I'm fine I'm fine" you smiled, thanking them for caring.
"Oikawa has been so lonely when you were gone" one of your friend teased.
You rolled your eyes and laughed at her.


Lunch time; canteen.

"Thanks" you thanked the chef for your food and began to roll on wheelchair, before you rolled it, a girl appeared, Shibuki.

"Hey, need a help?" Shibuki asked with her wide smile.
"Ah, its okay I can do it" you said as you began to put your hands on the wheels.

Shibuki quickly helped you to roll it and you thanked her for it.
"No problem, see you around, I'm Shibuki, I'm a third-year, your brother's friend, I know you, you're Hanari, tell me if u need any help, c ya" she said it with a smile and walked away.

She's actually nice, thats probably why Oikawa likes her. you thought to yourself.

A few moments later, after you finished your lunch, you were about to leave but suddenly Oikawa appeared out of nowhere.

"Hanari-chan!" he said it childishly as always.
"What?" you said it in a monotone.
"I've missed you!" he hugged you suddenly out of nowhere.

I hate you, was all you thought.
but I love you, Oikawa.

"Oh" you said it.
"Ah! Didn't you miss me too?" he tried making the puppy sad face.
"No thanks" you rolled your wheelchair away from Oikawa.

"That was so rude!" Oikawa screamed childishy, making everyone's attention to him who was looking at you.

--- timeskip ---

After school; gymnasium

"You're taking so long" you told your brother who was packing his stuffs.
"Can't you atleast be more patient?!?" Hajime screamed at your face.

"Woah, chill bro" Oikawa appeared and tried to calm Hajime-san.

"Oikawa, are you done?" Shibuki approached Oikawa, okay you got it that they're going home together.

"Yeah yeah" Oikawa took his bag.
"Ah! Hanari-chan! Its nice to see you here" Shibuki smiled at you. You smiled back at her.
"You guys know each other?" Oikawa asked both of you.
"Of course!" Shibuki smiled with her eyes closed.

A few seconds later, Hajime came towards you.
"Lets go home" Hajime said. You nodded.
"See you guys later" Shibuki said as she grabbed Oikawa's hand.

As I thought, Oikawa's just playing with my feelings. He's probably dating Shibuki now. You thought

As you were on your way home, you asked your brother.
"Onii-san?" you called out him.
"Yes?" he replied.
"Are Shibuki and Oikawa dating?" you asked.
"Wow you're so late?"
"What?" you looked up at him who was helping you with your wheelchair.
"Yes they are," he said.
"Why didn't Oikawa tell me?" you were curious.
"Somebody's jealous.." your brother teased you.
"I'm not,"
"Even if you are, you're Oikawa's nobody, you're just a friend. End of conversation." he said as you both got into the house.

"you're Oikawa's nobody"

How cruel


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