6 - I don't know.

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The next day;

You walked to school with Hajime-san and saw Oikawa at the school gate.

He was talking with a group of girls from the first year, who admired him so much. He looked at you & Hajime-san, and waved.

You waved back, so did your brother.
You heard the girls started asking him about you.
"Oikawa-senpai, is Hanari-senpai dating you?" one of them asked.
"No.. she's just my friend." Oikawa smiled.


Lunch time;

You realized you forgot to bring your bento, you were sitting on a chair with 2 of your best friends.

You just starred at the table, you have nothing to eat.

Suddenly, a familiar male voice called you.
"Hanari-chan!! Did you forget your food? You can share this bento with me!~" it was Oikawa. He offered you his bento, standing beside your table.

"Its okay, Oikawa-kun I just-" you were cut off

He put a small katsu inside your mouth. You widened your eyes.

"A-arigatou.. Oikawa-kun.." you blushed and looked down as you began chewing the katsu.

"Seems like, someone has got their new boy, we're leaving, matane Hanari-chan!!~" one of your friend said that, both of them left.

"Wa-wait!! You guys!! Ugh.." you looked down again.

Oikawa sat across you and put a tomato inside your mouth.
"You don't have to.." you blushed at him and wont look to his eyes.

He smiled widely with his eyes closed.
"Its okay!! Hanari-chan!~" he touched your red cheeks.

You looked at his brown eyes.
"Onii-san's right.. probably all the girls like him because he's super nice..he's not a fuckboy.."

"What are you thinking, Hanari-chan?~ What's with that serious face?~" Oikawa smiled.

"Uh, nothing, thanks for sharing your bento, I'm going to my class now! Matane!" you quickly got up with your red cheeks and left.

"Hanari-chan is so adorable." he whispered to himself.


6PM, gymnasium.

You were on the gymnasium, looking at Oikawa practi- NO YOU'RE LOOKING AT YOUR BROTHER PRACTICING.

There's this girl, you bet she's a third year or a first year because she does not look like a second year like you.

This girl is only focused on Oikawa, not anybody else other than him, you kinda feel jealous.

"What is this feeling?" you thought to yourself.

7PM; after practice.

You went down from the bench to your brother.

While waiting for your brother to pack up his stuffs, you saw the girl talked to Oikawa and Oikawa blushed then scratched the back of his head.

Oikawa looked deeply into her eyes. You don't know what her name was. You felt jealousy.

"I don't know.." you mumbled.

"Sorry did you say something?" your big brother looked at you.

"Uh-uh- NO! Its okay! Lets go home Onii-san!"

You left Oikawa with that girl and left with your brother.

What is this? Who is she? I don't know what I'm feeling.

I don't know [ Oikawa x Reader ] Where stories live. Discover now